Friday, May 02, 2003

So, I watched 'Men With Brooms' this evening. I dunno. For a Canadian movie it was pretty decent. The production values were all up, and it looked pretty decent. Acting was strong, there was nothing amateurish about it. However, after all that I can not recommend it.

Curling is just not enough to hang a movie around. Yes, it has a certain mystique amongst Canadians but there isn't a national mythos to it. All folklore about curling is regionally based so as a Prairie son I have trouble buying into the legend of northern Ontario. I dunno, call me crazy but I just wasn't moved. I'm sure there is a kernel of real myth to this movie but I couldn't feel it because I'm not from that region. It means nothing to me.

Nonetheless, the did the best they could with the material they had. The story was a little muddled but overall they made their point. As a Canadian, if you get a chance to watch it for free, go ahead. But don't spend your money renting it.

Thus concludes today's movie review. Toodles!

Thursday, May 01, 2003

I'm printing, which always seems to take forever. Thus I have a few minutes to blog.

1) I have a sinus headache centered just to the right of my nose. The feeling is quite intense and I would like it to go away.
2) I almost hit some deer last night. I was just leaving Yorkton. I looked down to open my container of ranch dipping sauce for my P'zone. When I looked up, the second of two (maybe more?) deer were scampering across the road ahead of me. I wasn't really even that freaked out. Strange.
3) I had a bizarre Superman dream a few nights ago. I don't remember the specifics as it was a few days ago, and I've been super busy since then. It had something to do with space, aliens, Superman saving humanity, and hiding his children from the alien invaders. I have my most interesting dreams.
4) My trip to Winnipeg was good.
a) I got to meet my (our, if you were on the trip) friends that we met in the Dominican Republic. They seemed genuinely happy to see me. That felt strange and weird at the same time.
b) I took control of our project in Balmoral. It did not go perfectly smoothly but I stepped up and took charge. I was proud of myself.
5) I hate my allergies.

Printing is done. Gotta go. Toodles!
A blonde pushes her BMW into a gas station. She tells the mechanic it died. After he works on it for a few minutes, it is idling smoothly.
She says, "What's the story?"
He replies, "Just crap in the carburetor."
She asks, "How often do I have to do that?"