The Daily Affirmation
I got the last of my 2019 tips and can finish adding up the year's tips.
Saturday, January 11, 2020
Blog Question Of The Day (2020-01-11)
Blog Question Of The Day
What would I do if I won the lottery?
Could I survive a gunshot wound?
La Connexion Francaise (2020-01-11)
La Connexion Francaise
plaquer = tackle
dépouiller = despoil
bouleverser = upset
coller = stick
beigne = donut
étouffer = choke
aise = easy
Dénombrement en français
J'ai lu demi de un livre et je ne comprend pas quoi'est aller.
plaquer = tackle
dépouiller = despoil
bouleverser = upset
coller = stick
beigne = donut
étouffer = choke
aise = easy
Dénombrement en français
J'ai lu demi de un livre et je ne comprend pas quoi'est aller.
Friday, January 10, 2020
Blog Question Of The Day (2020-01-10)
Blog Question Of The Day
Do fighter pilots have to fill out customs forms when the land in a foreign country?
Do fighter pilots have to fill out customs forms when the land in a foreign country?
La Connexion Francaise (2020-01-10)
La Connexion Francaise
boucle = loop
pan = fold
effondrer = collapse
béer = gape
piétiner = trample on
lapin = rabbit
foireuse = lousy
meuf = girl
nuage = cloud
fiente = droppings
paif = sparrow
boulot = job
remonter = ride up
Dénombrement en français
Je n'ai rien tiré de ce livre aujourd'hui.
boucle = loop
pan = fold
effondrer = collapse
béer = gape
piétiner = trample on
lapin = rabbit
foireuse = lousy
meuf = girl
nuage = cloud
fiente = droppings
paif = sparrow
boulot = job
remonter = ride up
Dénombrement en français
Je n'ai rien tiré de ce livre aujourd'hui.
Thursday, January 09, 2020
The Daily Affirmation (2019-01-09)
The Daily Affirmation
I played Jedi: Fallen Order and it was excellent.
I played Jedi: Fallen Order and it was excellent.
La Connexion Francaise (2020-01-09)
La Connexion Francaise
crever = die
louper = miss out on
tromper = deceive
Dénombrement en français
J'ai du mal à me calmer.
crever = die
louper = miss out on
tromper = deceive
Dénombrement en français
J'ai du mal à me calmer.
Wednesday, January 08, 2020
Blog Question Of The Day (2020-01-08)
Blog Question Of The Day
What's wrong with my computer->TV HDMI connection?
What's wrong with my computer->TV HDMI connection?
La Connexion Francaise (2020-01-08)
La Connexion Francaise
brancher = connect
enflure = swelling
pâté = dough
balayer = sweep
parages = around
fouiller = search
poubelle = trash can
aviser = notice
pénombre = twilight
engourdissement = numbness
Dénombrement en français
Je voudrais l'engourdissement dans ma main partir.
brancher = connect
enflure = swelling
pâté = dough
balayer = sweep
parages = around
fouiller = search
poubelle = trash can
aviser = notice
pénombre = twilight
engourdissement = numbness
Dénombrement en français
Je voudrais l'engourdissement dans ma main partir.
The Daily Affirmation (2019-01-08)
The Daily Affirmation
I had two Normal blood pressure readings this morning, the first time in 2020 that both measurements came back normal.
I found the site picture I'd been looking for, to use as an avatar on my Microsoft account.
I had two Normal blood pressure readings this morning, the first time in 2020 that both measurements came back normal.
I found the site picture I'd been looking for, to use as an avatar on my Microsoft account.
Tuesday, January 07, 2020
Blog Question Of The Day (2020-01-07)
Blog Question Of The Day
Am I ever going to feel confident again?
Am I ever going to feel confident again?
The Daily Affirmation (2019-01-07)
The Daily Affirmation
Picked up a copy of Joker on BluRay including digital copy.
Set up my new Playstation 4 Pro.
Picked up a copy of Joker on BluRay including digital copy.
Set up my new Playstation 4 Pro.
La Connexion Francaise (2020-01-07)
La Connexion Francaise
chamallows = marshmallows
serrer = tighten
envie = desire
étreinte = embrace
hanche = hip
chiot = puppy
foutue = damn
caniveau = gutter
Dénombrement en français
Ma volonté de travailler est dans le caniveau.
chamallows = marshmallows
serrer = tighten
envie = desire
étreinte = embrace
hanche = hip
chiot = puppy
foutue = damn
caniveau = gutter
Dénombrement en français
Ma volonté de travailler est dans le caniveau.
Monday, January 06, 2020
Blog Question Of The Day (2020-01-06)
Blog Question Of The Day
Would an Apple Watch operate successfully on Supergirl?
Would an Apple Watch operate successfully on Supergirl?
La Connexion Francaise (2020-01-06)
La Connexion Francaise
partante = starting lineup
retrousser = roll up
manche = handle
vachement = really
chochotte = sissy
fiche = plug
du coup = therefore
sagesse = wisdom
Dénombrement en français
Je ne sais pas pourquoi quelues personnes ne peut pas repondre clairement à une question.
partante = starting lineup
retrousser = roll up
manche = handle
vachement = really
chochotte = sissy
fiche = plug
du coup = therefore
sagesse = wisdom
Dénombrement en français
Je ne sais pas pourquoi quelues personnes ne peut pas repondre clairement à une question.
Today I Learned . . . (2020-01-06)
Today I Learned . . .
I listened to 130 hours of music on Apple Music in 2019.
I listened to 130 hours of music on Apple Music in 2019.
The Daily Affirmation (2019-01-06)
The Daily Affirmation
I had my first normal blood pressure reading of 2020 this morning.
I had my first normal blood pressure reading of 2020 this morning.
Sunday, January 05, 2020
Today I Learned . . . (2020-01-05)
Today I Learned . . .
The pilot episode of Young Sheldon was directed by Jon Favreau.
The pilot episode of Young Sheldon was directed by Jon Favreau.
Act of Caring (2020-01-05)
Act of Caring
I shovelled the driveway/sidewalk when it barely needed it, including scraping up some dirty ice dropped by the vehicles.
I shovelled the driveway/sidewalk when it barely needed it, including scraping up some dirty ice dropped by the vehicles.
The Daily Affirmation (2019-01-05)
The Daily Affirmation
I beat 20,000 steps without taking any special actions to achieve it.
I beat 20,000 steps without taking any special actions to achieve it.
La Connexion Francaise (2020-01-05)
La Connexion Francaise
envahir = invade
vitrine = showcase
effleurent = brush
minable = seedy
paumée = clueless
Dénombrement en français
Mon clavier semble usé. Notamment le "A" et "S" clés.
envahir = invade
vitrine = showcase
effleurent = brush
minable = seedy
paumée = clueless
Dénombrement en français
Mon clavier semble usé. Notamment le "A" et "S" clés.