La Connexion Francaise
raidir = stiffen
toiser = measure
epreuve = test
Dénombrement en français
Je ne sais pas si j'ai assez puissance jouer golfe tout le apres-midi.
La Connexion Francaise
La Connexion Francaise
Today I Learned ...
I learned that AWWA's envoi service allows me as an AWWA member to download PDF copies of standards and and manuals for free.
Blog Question Of The Day
Why are turn based computer games still a thing?
Act of Caring
I put away the green bin after it was emptied by the city today.
La Connexion Francaise
La Connexion Francaise
La Connexion Francaise
The Daily Affirmation
George Pickens singlehandedly pulled out a Yahoo fantasy football win for me tonight.
La Connexion Francaise
The Daily Affirmation
My elimination league fantasy team dominated in today's action.
La Connexion Francaise