Tuesday, July 15, 2008

"Can I have two double rye's, and a Pil?"

"No. We can't serve doubles, and you're only allowed two drinks per person. Plus we don't have Pil."

"Why can't I have a double?"

"You just can't. Its in the liquor license."

"That's stupid."

"Sorry. I don't make the rules."

"Okay, then give me two singles, with very little pop."

"I have to fill the glass up. It has to be a mixed drink."

"That's stupid."


"Why does it have to be a mixed drink?"

"Like I said, its in the liquor license."

"That's stupid. So I really can't have a double?"

-- pause --

"NO!!! You can't have a fucking double!!! I've said that like six fucking times already! Who the fuck do you think you are anyway!?! Its a god damn rule! I'm not personally singling you out for persecution, you idiot! The last guy couldn't have a god damn double rye, and the next person to ask ain't gonna get one either. And no, it doesn't help if you ask for a double vodka, or a double rum either. No doubles!!! That's the god damn rule! Now why do I gotta keep standing here as your feeble fucking brain looks for the bloody loophole that isn't fucking there!?! What are you? Fucking retarded!?!"

Monday, July 14, 2008

And one more for the record . . .

Black nail polish does not look good.

At all.


From any sort of perspective, it looks stupid and ridiculous. If you're thinking about doing this, just don't. Its a bad idea.