Friday, November 15, 2002

Today's blog entry has to begin on a sad note. The inspiration for my creating my own blog, has decided to close her blog. As many of you may remember, I mentioned in my first blog entry how I got the idea to have my own, from reading the blog of someone called Azzaelea. It was with much regret that I checked her site this morning to discover her GONE! message. I didn't really know her or anything, or have that much to do with her. It was just a web site that I checked frequently. Still, I'm going to miss her. Good bye and good luck Azzaelea!

I met someone new last night, on the internet. I think when historians look back on the impact of the internet on society, that is going to be the one thing that stands out most. The internet has really changed the way we communicate with each other. They say that pr0n is the number one income producing content on the internet, and I can believe that. I'd bet though that the number one use of the internet is inter-personal communication. It would probably boggle the mind to try and comprehend the amount of email that is sent in a day. My favorite though is instant messaging. There's probably a few hundred million instant messages sent a day too.

Back to my point though, that I met a new girl last night. It was from one of those dating sites. I subscribed to a bunch of them, on a lark, back in July. Tara and I had just broken up and I was hearing that commercial incessantly on the radio. I had to know what all the fuss was about, and from there I just signed up for any that I came across in my 150+ spam emails a day. The one I met this girl on was actually one I'd kind of dismissed as rinky-dink. Turns out though it was where I was getting most of my responses. Maybe I just wrote the best profile on there? Anyway, I got a couple messages from her, and wrote her a response last night. She instant messaged me awhile later and we had a conversation that stretched into the night. It was fun. It was nice to talk to someone new. I hope I get the chance to talk to her again.

Things have been on a general improvement trend over the past couple of weeks for me. Computer sales have finally picked up again, after a long doldrum. I sold some peripherals to people here in Watson. What all have I sold lately? A scanner, and wireless access port, a Flash RAM card for a digital camera, an inkjet printer anda 16 port network switch. Its not a satisfying as a system sale, but Sean might have a line on one of those for me too. Perhaps its too early to get excited but I can't help myself. Everything's coming up Milhouse! :-)

Time to go people. Thanks for listening. Toodles!

Thursday, November 14, 2002

Today's joke:

Q: How can you tell a cow from a bull?
A: When you stick your head up it's ass, if there's room for you to stick out your tongue, then its a cow.

This is not today's joke because I think its funny. This is today's joke because, I have to confess, I don't get it. Even if a joke's not funny I can usually figure out why it was supposed to be funny, and thus 'get' the joke, even though it wasn't funny enough to get. But this one eludes me. I understand well enough that the sticking your head up a bovine's ass is the crux of the joke but how the tongue sticking out part works baffles me. An ass is an ass is an ass, I would think. And why would you want to stick your tongue out, should you chose to jam your head up an animal's ass? I would think that to be a fairly unsavory place. Maybe I'm wrong. All you head-up-the-ass-of-a-cow people out there mail me, and explain this if you would please. I am ever so curious.

I really like this wireless ethernet idea. As a concept it is very good. Unfortunately as a practical application it has thus far not served me as well. If it weren't so bloody expensive I would definitely implement this at my house, so I could be in the living room without running cords. At $250 for the access port and another $100+ for the NIC cards, its not a crucial household application. At those prices I'll continue to snake cable. I have little bath rugs over all the high traffic areas anyway so I shouldn't kill myself. :-) I'm having trouble getting this wireless thing to talk to my wired network here at work. I'm wondering if it doesn't have to do with the confusing array of equipment that makes up the network backbone. The cords in the wall plug into a unit in the furnace room which in turn splits cables out to a pair of hubs, that are not of the same type or by the same manufacturer. This might have something to do with it. If I make no further progress this afternoon I'll load up the whole mess and take it to my house where the network is much simpler. Maybe that will help. Owning a computer company, and having access to all that kind of equipment is fun. :-)

That's all for now. Toodles!

Wednesday, November 13, 2002

My attempt at running a poll has been woefully unsuccessful. Or at least that's the assumption I am making since I have gotten no responses to the question. I look at it this way, one of two things are happening. Either people didn't read yesterday's question and haven't seen the question, or they've read it and don't care. Either way I'm sensing a lot of ambivalence towards the blog. Thus I will make my own decision. :-)

It would appear everyone is suffering from the same malady this week. The disorder in question being, forgetting what day it is. I've got three people, and myself, all thinking it was a day earlier than it is. Actually, I think I've been better than most in that respect and I have an explanation for it. I'm always very in tune with how soon it is before I can go back to Saskatoon. Therefore I'm much more likely to remember that its Wednesday today, and that I can go home in two days. :-)

We got our staff Christmas party invitation today. Its on December 13th. I wonder if I should go? Part of me says yes, and another part of me is leaning towards. So it would be safe to say I'm conflicted. :-S I haven't had the best success with Christmas parties so I'm leery about going to another one. This is a different crew than I've been associated with before so maybe this one would be good. Maybe I'll go and see how things are. If it sucks I'll just leave. Then again maybe I'll just blow the whole thing off. I've got a month to decide.

I just realized Tiffany Mynx is a MILF. I was sitting here and that thought came into my head. Maybe doing all this thinking is why I have so much trouble keeping a job. Another thought to ponder. Just what I need. As Charlie Brown would say, Good Grief!!!

I replied to a personal ad today. Some girl that called herself sugarberry. She seemed very interesting. Honest too, which is something I can definitely respect. Not enough girls just lay it on the line for you. I figured it was worth the effort of writing an email. Maybe I'll get blown off again. I can't really gripe about a lack of success if I'm not trying something. So I tried something. Time will tell how it goes.

My sister was down to visit me. She left today after lunch. I thought that was a nice gesture. Not that many people visit me. I can't blame them, I don't go out of my way to invite anyone. I live in Watson as an means to an end; having a job and earning money. I've been here 7 months and I still don't really consider it my 'home'. But she did come to visit and that was very nice. We didn't really do anything. We watched some TV last night, played with her cat that also made the trip, and mostly sat around. I'm not a good host. :-( I never know what to do, say, or offer to someone else. I'm mediocre at best. Candace didn't seem to mind too much. And the cat seemed happy to have a new place to explore. :-)


Tuesday, November 12, 2002

Today's blog entry is going to be short. I have just one thing to say today, and we'll move from there. Should my blog entries be shorter? You know the drill, email me with your responses.
