Thursday, July 26, 2007

I went to the Fringe Festival. In Winnipeg. How's that for expanding your horizons!?

I had a good time. It was entertaining and I came in out of the heat feeling like I'd spent my evening in a more socially worthwhile way than sitting in a hotel room, watching the same stupid crap on cable.

However, that being said, as I was riding through some unrecognized part of Winnipeg (thank god they didn't kick me out of the car because I'd have surely gotten shanked) I couldn't get the following thought out of my brain.

"The Fringe is a lot like the SJHL. They'll still let you play, you might even look good, but you're never making it to 'The Show'."

Sunday, July 22, 2007

Can we stop with the 'Hairspray' commercials already? We get it already. You, the collective PR machine, think we should go see this acclaimed movie. Its clear that what we actually want doesn't matter. You're going to club us over the head until its the number one movie in the land.

But guess what? We don't want to see 'Hairspray'! John Travolta in a dress does not appeal to us! This has been done, better, the first time around when the original director released this movie. And it was not such a classic story that it needed a re-telling this soon.

So knock it off already. You want us to see 'Hairspray'. We're going to make up our minds on our own. I don't need to see two commercials for it, every time there's a break in the action of ANY TV show I might be watching.