Friday, September 03, 2004

Welcome to Grant's Casino! All the fun that's quasi-legal!!

Today's door-crasher special is our line on the 'who's gonna leave early' sweepstakes. I'm sorry but all of you that voted for Murray B or Clarence are outta luck. They bolted on the dot of 2:15.

All other 'horses' are still in the race. The odds are good on everyone but the engineer. Betting in his favor is fierce, and as such, your chances for a big pay-day are decreased. Currently he's running 1:2.

Step right up and place your bets! Winner takes all, unless you all bet the same!!
Can someone PLEASE explain this to me!?!

I wanted to wash my truck today at lunch. I like to get a wash in on Friday's, before heading into the city, just so my vehicle gets the dirt and dust cleaned off on a regular basis, and so it looks nice when I'm in town. I tend to 'go out' only on weekends, so a Friday wash works for me.

So, I get to the car wash at twenty to one this afternoon. That should be lots of time, even if there's people washing their vehicles. There were two in the bay, and two waiting, when I pulled up. However, one car was ready to go in, just as I took a place in line.

She washed her vehicle for twenty minutes. TWENTY MINUTES!!! And it wasn't dirty! And by saying that I mean, there were no boulder sized chunks of mud on the car. Which is an important stipulation to make because, someone with boulder sized junks of mud had obviously been in there this morning, because the chunks were all over the floor. (thus dragging the hose through the mud the whole time, and getting my shoes and pant legs muddy)

Just round, and round, and round she went with the rinse. She must have put 10 dollars into the thing for just rinses. Meanwhile the clock is ticking away, and now its after lunch, and not during. Of course my annoyance level goes up simultaneously. I finally got my truck washed but it was quarter after one when I was done.

Thursday, September 02, 2004

For those of you that lost the faith, who didn't believe, that had given up hope, I bring you:

My Supper
I am firmly against ear wax. Who's with me?

Tuesday, August 31, 2004

G&M(-M) Word Of The Day:

Blog Question Of The Day:

Should I add a Yahoo group, as a companion to my blog?
Blog Poll Of The Day:

Which of the following two choices should I make, with respect to a bonus cheque I am scheduled to get, for completion of the Maple Creek project:

a) deposit the money in my savings, to cover the shortfall I've accumulated, by under-supplying my savings, per my originally allotted budget for saving
b) make a down payment on an Acer Ferarri Athlon 64 notebook computer
Now here's what I don't understand. This is not a new issue. I have never quite been able to figure this question out. And the more I try, the less sense it makes.

I'm talking about modern dance. This morning I'm sitting on the couch watching - Britney Spears: Live From Miami. Frankly, Britney has lost much of her appeal. When she was fresh, and had that veneer of playfully innocent naivete, it was nearly impossible for the ordinary male to resist her. Well, that veneer was not so much polished off, as it was aggressively scrubbed away by the seediness of a girl who's excesses were never reined in. She's something of a skank now, and if a guy wants skank, there are far more gratuitious examples that will serve better than Britney's act.

Nonetheless, that is not my commentary for today. What has drawn my ire today is the concept of modern dance. What the hell are these people doing? I know its choreography, and someone has taken the time to plan all of this. My question is, if its supposed to make sense, then why the hell doesn't it make sense!?!

I'm watching these dancers do what they do. There does not appear, at least to my untrained eye, a cohesive purpose to all the stupid gyrations. Here's an example:

Woman begins as a tightly bunched ball, kneeling on the floor. The dancer stands up, and extends her arm above her head. She doeses a 360 degree turn, bringing her hand from above her head, down around her waist, in a fluid motion. She takes a couple of steps, not walking, but some kind of attempt at fluid and grace. Upon concluding her descent, she stretches her leg over her head, and then twirls down to kneel on the floor.

What the hell does all that mean? I can at least fake an understanding of most of the fine arts. Opera, which I don't like, I can at least appreciate what the attempt is. Dance, a la the Rockettes, I can appreciate, for the synchronicity of the multiple dancers. The various forms of instrumental music, not all of which appeal to my ears, I can at least appreciate as an art form. But this ridiculous collection of random gyrations they call 'dance' completely leaves me mystified.

I think the thing that baffles me the most is all the arm waving, and gymnastic contortions of the body. Is this an athletic endeavour or an art form? Gymnastics I get. I won't agree with the judging of competitive gymnastics, but I can appreciate the athletic endeavour that is gymnastics. What I question is the 'art' of gymnastics, or by extension when these gymnastic motions are called, artistic dance.

If someone out there can put all of this in terms that I can understand, I would greatly appreciate it. Thanks, I'm out!!!

Monday, August 30, 2004

Today for lunch I had a Pillsbury Pizza Pop. It was the pepperoni and bacon variety. It is distinctly possible that it is the single best tasting Pizza Pop I have ever had.

Sunday, August 29, 2004

I get tired of some of these ads that show up in my inbox. I'm sure we all agree that the crap that is being marketed in this fashion, is somewhat on the irritating side. Each of us though, I would suspect, would find different ones more annoying.

What has gained my specific enmity today is, all of these bloody ads for dating sites. These dating sites seem as ubiquitous as noodie pages, which we all know are the dominant market presence on the brave, new internet. Now I have no problem with dating sites. I do, in fact, find them amusing, from time to time. Its a harmless activity, and kind of a thrill to play on sometimes. I have signed up for some, and tried using them but, in the end my experiences have been rather unsuccessful. Mostly my fault, I would suggest, as I still haven't figured out who 'I' am, thus I have trouble following the advice of, be yourself. Its getting better. I have some good friends now, that are female, and they aren't running away screaming. All in baby steps.

Back to my point. The internet dating site them has proliferated to the point where its kind of fruitless to actually sign up for one of these. There are SO many different ones being touted that its gotta be hard to find the one that is most popular, and represents your best bet. And I get this crap in my email all the time! Join this site! Just opening! All the best people are visiting here! Come on!

The marketing of these things is also getting a bit stupid. The whole thing is beginning to resemble phone sex advertising, and we all know what a joke that is. (Don't we? If you don't recognize the sham of phone sex advertisement, please email me, so I can get you straight on that) Today's new site will show up in the email, and the girl (its nearly always a young, nubile looking female) will be dressed in some provocative manner. In today's email, it was a very young looking blonde in some white, pajama-like, clothing, with pink highlighting. The whole package designed precisely to make her look young, to the point of criminality. She bites on her bottom lip coquettishly and we're to believe we will meet her, if we sign up for $24.95 a month.

The whole thing is just a bit on the absurd side. One, don't insult my intelligence by using what is clearly content taken from a porn producer, and dress it up like I'll meet this girl on your website. I'm not that naive. Two, don't play it like I'm going to find ecstacy on your site. Bottom line, if the premise holds, all I'm going to find is other ordinary people like myself. There won't be any girls in their pajamas.

The whole thing just makes me tired. I know what I want. Its not sex, or girls in their pajamas, wild parties, or adventures that would get censored in Penthouse Forum. I just want someone nice. A pretty girl that has a grounded sense of reality. I don't need non-stop excitement. I don't crave an exploit every day. I'm sure what I want is out there. Someone that makes me smile. A girl that hasn't gone down every nutty path that can be found in the woods. Someone that will venture out into the world with me, for our own little thrills, but also doesn't mind staying home, arm in arm, watching TV and just enjoying an embrace.

I know you are out there, mystery girl. And maybe you're not even a mystery to me. Maybe I already know you but for one reason or another, it just hasn't clicked. If you're out there, I encourage you to step first. I'm woefully inadequate at recognizing a possibility, and am not threatened by a girl's initiative. I'm tired of getting dating site emails, and having my hope appealed to. If you're out there, mystery girl, let's give this crazy thing a shot.

Please correct me if I'm wrong but, I think the world is ready for my brand of insanity.