Saturday, June 28, 2003

Sean and I made an amazing discovery this afternoon in Regina. There IS a Taco Bell in this city!!! On the east side, on Victoria Ave., near the Ring Road, there is a KFC/Taco Bell store. We WILL be visiting it before I leave for Watson again. 8-D


Friday, June 27, 2003

There are so many things that are possible to do online. The question becomes, how much do you really want to put into online services? Specifically I'm think about two possible things for myself.

One is, online banking. Since I'm not local to my bank, it would be convenient to be able to do some account things remotely, over the computer. The thing that has always troubled me, and continues to trouble me, is security. Despite efforts to make it bulletproof, I don't believe the internet is there yet. I'm not independently wealthy or anything, but I'd miss it quite significantly, if my sums of money went missing due to internet fraud, scam, hack or exploit. I'm not sure I wanna take the risk. But I had an issue with a credit card recently, and it would have been very handy to have been able to look at some numbers on the computer.

The other one is online address books. I don't think I'm going to go this route, since I'm getting a PDA, and I anticipate making that my 'home' computer for my information, addresses, etc. Right now I work off three machines, and its confusing not having everything I want, right under my fingers, at all times. I'm hoping to migrate the info I wanna have all the time, to the PDA, so no matter where I am, with computer or without, I'll know where I am, what I'm doing, how I'm doing, and what has to come next. But these online services offer quite compelling attributes. Its not, as a general rule, sensitive information, so it might be a good backup for things like phone numbers, addresses, and so on, that you really should keep handy, but don't always remember to.

Just a couple thoughts. Toodles!
I got my truck back this morning. Overall, its been a fantastic morning. Getting my truck back was just the crowning jewel on the morning. I got a ride back to Humboldt to pick it up. We drove past the farm dealership and my truck appeared from behind the truck that had been blocking my view. Man did it look good! They'd cleaned it (inside and out I later noticed) and it was just gleaming in the sunlight pouring out of the south-eastern sky. They shined up the chrome too, and it just looked like brand new, on the lot. I even remarked on it as we drove up. I felt a lot of pride.

Other good news from the morning:

I don't have to go to Souris, thus getting a four day weekend

The engineer I was negotiating with agreed to let me use 4 inch membranes for this reserve project that is up for tender.

My site meeting in Souris was postponed a week, thus making it possible for me to make my other meeting and doctor's appointment in Saskatoon next week.

I love it when I have good days! 8-D

My profile finally reached 100 hits. And it only took a year. Who says adding a picture increases interest!?!

Thursday, June 26, 2003

There is sad news to report. Overnight, my boss Murray, lost his mom. She had been sick for quite some time before this, but its still quite disheartening news. I don't suspect he'll be in the office any time soon. Though I don't believe he reads this, I still wish him well.
Why doesn't anyone name their daughter Bambi anymore?

Wednesday, June 25, 2003

I would like to understand the body modification craze. It kind of mystifies me at times, while other days I kinda get it. It seems a little too fad oriented though. I have the feeling a lot of people do it because its a fad, not because they have any particular interest. There is a tattoo that I have/am considering but, it comes from a desire to have something integral to my identity adorned on me, not because its a fad. I still haven't decided on doing it or not, mostly because I don't have the design drawn out (and I'm not sure I'm the artist best suited to draw it) and I'm not sure about where to put it. I think the shoulder blade but, I don't know which one.

Back to my rant about body modification. The girl that gave me a ride back from Humboldt today, where I dropped off my truck to be repaired, had her nose pierced. Not the cute little diamond stud piercing but the ring through the side of the nose piercing. I didn't find it attractive. The girl, without the adornment of the nose ring, was probably what I'd consider to be attractive. But I couldn't get past this ring in her nose. It really didn't suit her at all. Thus I found myself being standoffish, for no reason other than this, relatively minor, body modification. I feel kind of bad about that, but since I can't pinpoint what made me feel that way, I don't know how to alter it. Thus I'm left with the situation of just having to accept it.

I know, I think too much. I should really stop that.


Tuesday, June 24, 2003

I am convinced the photocopier hates me. Somehow this non-sentient machine knows that it is I that am using it, and it takes the opportunity jam, misfire, screw up and just generally not work the way its supposed to. All I wanna do is the very boring task of copying shop drawings. Its does 20 sheets and then jams in spectacular fashion. I hate that. I just need it to work, in a very basic, limited fashion. Just make copies. It can't do that. Stupid auto-feed function. I hate photocopiers! :-(


Monday, June 23, 2003

My computer seems a little sluggish this morning. Could that be because I'm using the printer?

Are there any, purely internet, jobs left on the market?

I love how Windows is always so much smarter than me, and knows exactly what it needs to enable, to maximize my enjoyment of the operating system. I really appreciate how it turns on features I will definitely want, even though I did not explicitly ask for them. For instance, I really appreciated how it firewalled my laptop computer, when I configured it this morning, so I could transfer the files I'd been working on, with the laptop, in Saskatoon. I thought it was a truly excellent piece of programming for Windows to know that I'd need a firewall on this computer. It is so important that I be protected from having access to files on this computer, from a remote computer. I wouldn't want to maliciously hack myself when I copy my AutoCAD files from machine to machine. Plus, I was especially aware of how they don't put this firewall setting right up front, where you might unintentionally find it, and disable it, thus no longer protecting yourself from evil hackers. It really is best that it be buried a couple windows deep, so I have to hunt for it, to disable it. There are so many evil hackers in the world that Microsoft has to watch out for poor, stupid me.

