Friday, October 08, 2004

"Do you want to watch cheese, or snow?"

"It's only a flesh wound!"

"I think he's gonna pork her"

If any of these quotes make sense to you, then you're a child of the 80's.
Not to diminish the sorrowful hardship of people that have been sexually violated, but I have an inkling of what that experience might feel like. I just spent $10.65 for a common, household, wire mesh strainer.

Thursday, October 07, 2004

Goal for the summer of 2005:

Go to a REAL amusement park for a day

Who's with me?
I'm going to have to give an enthusiastic thumbs up to the Delissio pizza that gets advertised on TV so painfully often. Yes, the commercials are irritating, and too frequent, but as freezer ready pizza's go, the Delissio is top notch.

Blog Survey of the Week:

With the playoffs now on TV, and the announcement of my beloved Expos only a recent memory, I am brought to the following question.

Now that the Montreal Expos are no more, to whom do I switch my allegiance?
Blog Question Of The Day:

Will Tiger Woods golf better, now that he's resolved the marriage situation?

Wednesday, October 06, 2004

Now a question for just the girls!

How important is ear hygiene to a man's attractiveness?
*** UPDATE ***

As previously mentioned, I FINALLY began the, improve my lifestyle, plan on Monday. It is now mid-week and I can confirm that I have fulfilled the exercise component of the plan for 3 days in a row. The eat better plan is also going well, as I've found some tasty treats in my house but have rationed my consumption.

Things look good, but its early. Stay tuned.
Blog Question Of The Day:

Am I too open, honest, or forgiving?

Tuesday, October 05, 2004

Today is the first day of playoffs in Major League Baseball. As it is the season, every professional, semi-professional and rank amateur has advanced who they think will win each series, and how the next month of baseball will turn out, as the competitors have been reduced to eight.

I will advance a different question. As the powers that be have killed the one and only baseball team I have ever cared about, I am left in need of a team to cheer for. Why not begin that look in the 2004 playoffs?

New York Yankees versus the Minnesota Twins

For me this is a no brainer. Tara would disagree with me on this one (sorry sweetie) but I gotta pick the Twins. The Yankees are like Goliath. They are always the favorite and its so nice to see them taken down. Will it happen? It might, as these Yankees are not the same as the ones that obliterated teams in previous years. Nevertheless, my cheering will be directed in favor of the Twins.

Boston Red Sox versus the Anaheim Angels

I'm torn on this one. I like both teams. In direct opposition to why I have to cheer against the Yankees, I must cheer for the Red Sox. They have been a good team at so many times in their history, only to be turned back at the last mile, the victims of the so called 'curse'. I hope they win every time they get to the playoffs.

But I also like the Angels. I know they've won the World Series since their inception, but they still have that veneer of the under-dog. I can feel it, but I can't explain it. When it comes to playoff time, I'm still impressed they made it in, and I can't help but root for them.

This series will be interesting for me.

Houston Astros versus Atlanta Braves

This one is a no-brainer, much like the Yankee series. The Braves do nothing but irritate me. In the first place they have always won the division that my beloved Expos have competed in. Except for 1994 when Major League Baseball and the Players Union conspired to prevent the Expos from winning the World Series, and thus continuing the streak of Canadian teams holding the baseball championship. That particular conspiracy I will elaborate another day. None of that has anything to do with why I hate the Braves. Enough already! Let's get someone else from the NL East into the playoffs.

I did not mean to disregard the reasons for cheering for the Astros. I like the team. They even made me like Roger Clemens, which didn't happen when he played for the Blue Jays. I could easily cheer for the Astros in the World Series final.

St. Louis Cardinals versus Los Angeles Dodgers

This one kinda goes under my radar. I haven't got much of a sentiment for either team. All my thoughts about either team are rooted way back in my childhood history. I could cheer for the Cardinals, but I could similarly cheer for the Dodgers. After a few moments contemplation I still do not know who I like more. Can they tie a series?

Now that I've bored you all, I will go. If you need me, I'll be in front of the TV, checking the score.
Blog Question Of The Day:

Visions in Saskatoon, on Saturday morning, had the Phillips 642 DVD players in stock, for $109 a piece. This is the DVD player that will play ANY format. Should I get in a panic to pick one up ASAP?

Monday, October 04, 2004

Good eeeeeeeevening

(Sorry, having a Flintstones moment there. Remember the episode where Fred thinks his new neighbor killed his wife?)

Slow day in news, with the exception of one thing. I finally began the exercise plan I've been talking about for so long. Its not much but, I got in 20 minutes on the exercise bike and with my weight set. If things follow my plan, a heavy bag will be added in the near future.
