Saturday, August 20, 2011

Note to Future Self:

Small or Mini Blizzard only, lest you blow three days worth of calories on 5 minutes of ice cream.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

The Daily Affirmation:

The textbook perfect 8 iron I hit on the fourth hole at Outlook today that turned into my second par of the day.
Which one of these unconventional rap songs do you like better?

Anne Hathaway

Natalie Portman

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Note: Natasha Staniszewski was the Daily Affirmation of Saturday.

Daily Affirmation (Sunday):

Getting a new recipe in Cafe World.
I feel compelled to write about this.

I ordered two Cokes tonight at the soccer centre bar. Two identical, completely the same, no difference between them at all Cokes. She charged me $5.25.


How in the FUCK do you get a total of $5.25 for two identical drinks?

A) Why in the HELL would you charge something odd for a drink like a Coke, that wasn't a multiple of $0.25? Because it would have to be to get a total of $5.25. That's just absurd.

B) Its not even mathematically possible to charge a price for a drink that ends in an odd number without half-cents.

C) Did you really think I wasn't going to notice this absurdity?

She was an ass clown. I was not impressed. End of story.

Next time don't be so god damn obvious.
The Daily Affirmation:

Natasha Staniszewski doing the Saturday sports round-up in a bright white shirt in high definition.