Sunday, August 14, 2011

I feel compelled to write about this.

I ordered two Cokes tonight at the soccer centre bar. Two identical, completely the same, no difference between them at all Cokes. She charged me $5.25.


How in the FUCK do you get a total of $5.25 for two identical drinks?

A) Why in the HELL would you charge something odd for a drink like a Coke, that wasn't a multiple of $0.25? Because it would have to be to get a total of $5.25. That's just absurd.

B) Its not even mathematically possible to charge a price for a drink that ends in an odd number without half-cents.

C) Did you really think I wasn't going to notice this absurdity?

She was an ass clown. I was not impressed. End of story.

Next time don't be so god damn obvious.

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