Thursday, June 29, 2006

I had perhaps one of the most annoying moments of my life this morning.

Earlier I told the story of how I went to the medical clinic and they gave me grief about how I didn't have a current health services card. If you look at your card you'll see there's a number on the back you can call, about updates to your information and getting a new card.

So I called the number.

This is how pathetic things have gotten with these phone-in procedures. They want you to call in but you don't even get an actual, live person. They make you leave a series of messages, based on pre-recorded questions.

What's your name, including correct spelling?

What is your address?

What is your home and work phone number?

After each question is a repetition of the same, three option menu. Do you want to hear the options again? Do you want to re-record your answer? Do you want to continue? The whole ordeal makes you feel like a trained circus seal. Which might not be so bad but it makes you feel like an autistic trained circus seal.

Saskatchewan Health should be shot, stabbed, pissed on, scraped up and deposited in a hole full of feces for foisting such an abomination on us. If I wanted to feel any more neglected, abused and taken for granted, I'd probably actually use the Saskatchewan health services system.

All around, I give the experience a fat ZERO.

Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Wednesday . . . both a blessing and a curse.

Blessing - I got the second half of my tax refund.

Curse - The almost endless patch for World of Warcraft.
I think the best part of being the controller in a company has to be handing out the pay stubs every two weeks. It must feel kinda like being Santa Claus.

Tuesday, June 27, 2006

If . . .

. . . you are playing World of Warcraft, and

If . . .

. . . you are questing at the north end of Felwood and

If . . .

. . . you are a Level 60 King Ding-a-Ling and

If . . .

. . . you are killing Deadwood furbolgs

Knock It Off Already!!! I'm trying to complete the damn quest!!!

Monday, June 26, 2006

Blog Question Of The Day:

Is it possible to buy a brand new IROC?

Sunday, June 25, 2006

Things That Piss Me Off:

I haven't really teed off on anyone lately but I think the time has come.

I went to the medical clinic this afternoon. I've had these blood tests outstanding for quite some time and it occurred to me that if I went right after lunch, I could satisfy the condition of going 12-16 hours after my last ingestion of medication.

I go in there and she asks for my Saskatchewan Health Services card. I'm used to it because they ask for any card before they'll help you out these days. She looks at the card and says, "oh, your health services card has expired."

The only response I could muster to that was, "so?"

"Well, we're not supposed provide services when your card has expired."

Just take my blood already! God, christ, like I'm supposed to know my stupid health services card has expired. I haven't used the stupid thing in a year and a half! And I'm supposed to notice that the idiotic sticker has expired!?!

The health services card is the most idiotic implementation that has ever taken place in the history of the Saskatchewan government. The land of free health care and oh, now you have to show a card to get free services. But if you don't have a card, they don't really care! You still get free health care. So what's the point of the stupid card? Apparently its for the purpose of annoying me. And providing an opportunity for sanctimonious office staff to give me grief when I'm not really in the mood to be getting my blood taken in the first place.

P.S. Future Shop sucks goat balls. They advertise games for $19.99 and then don't have any of the games in question, in stock in the store.