Tuesday, June 30, 2009

I'm going to say something. I want to put this down because it is a universal truth. There are no aberrations, justifications or deviations from this simply, inalienable truth.

Painted red nails NEVER looks good.
I saw my own death tonight. It wasn't pleasant.

It will happen in the downstairs bathroom of my house. That's a modest comfort because at least I'll die at home. But I had the sense that I'll still be alone so that's not a lot of comfort.

"Fred" will have called again, like he always does. And when I least want to speak to him. I'll be in the washroom chatting with him when it'll happen. Something is going to /pop/ in my head. It will happen on the left side, somewhere around the temple. The pain is going to be sudden and immediate. I will spasm from it, jerking me from the toilet. My body will become splayed across the bath tub that stretches in front of you, when you're seated in my downstairs bathroom. The end will come quickly and I will bleed to death. The blood with run from my ear, down the drain into the sewer.

Sunday, June 28, 2009

Can someone please write an application that will swiftly and immediately block the opening of an additional browser window for PartyPoker.com?

Don't poker sites know their 15 minutes of fame are up?