Saturday, March 06, 2004

Greetings from the 2004 Nokia Brier!!!

There are two kinds of people in the world. There are the people that like their sandwich on bread, and those that would rather have a bun. I'm in the 'on a bun' crowd.

Thus I find it unusual to be feeling what I am feeling.

I think I hate buns.

Friday, March 05, 2004

P.S. I forgot to add this to my blog last night, because all my stupid machines were off, and I can't get the damn PDA to use my wireless ethernet.

The villian in the first Robocop is the same guy that play's Red Forman, on That 70's Show.
I have not blogged today.

There is a reason.

100 mph, in the wrong lane.

That pretty much says it all.

Thursday, March 04, 2004

Why do laundry baskets always split?
I believe I've blogged about this movie before. I'm watching 'Life Or Something Like It' starring Angelina Jolie. The blonde hair draws you in, and it makes you notice the mouthful of horse-teeth.

But I digress . . .

In the movie, these two people that know each other, are having a conversation about her supposed, impending death. Man and woman, fairly robust amount of antagonism between them, but there is a previous history, and you can tell its heading in the direction of them hooking up again.

But I digress . . .

She up and says 'Let's have sex', or something to that affect. Is that allowed? Can you initiate the physical by simply asking? I've been curious about this, as I traverse the thing that we call life. (I have a feeling this movie, like Shallow Hall, is going to have a profound effect on me that was not entirely intended) I'm not the type to be foolish, lose my inhibitions and have it wind up happening. I just don't behave like that.

So then, how?

Answer by the usual methods. Thanks for your input.

And again!!!

It seems like I can't win this week. I try, I fail, I try again, I fail. For someone not as heavily medicated as I am, this could be an extremely frustrating series of coincidences.

The truck did not start again this morning. The whole, not charging the battery every time its started theory, has been debunked. It idled for 15 minutes every time I started it yesterday, and it wasn't bone-chillingly cold, so there is no reason to suspect that its a battery charge problem. There's something else going on, that needs to be ironed out. Next week it will spend the week at the dealership. I am not taking it back until they find a problem, fix it, and return it with a guarantee. I am NOT amused.

Thus we come to the Blog Question Of The Day:

Should I drive to Humboldt and back, just to give the battery some significant charging time, at full operating temperatures, so its reliable for the next couple days?

Wednesday, March 03, 2004


Before the eyes of God, and all of you, I confess. I have sinned. My trangression has not been minor. It is an abomination. I have committed the unspeakable. The crimes for which I lay myself on the altar for your forgiveness, are not forgivable. The act, the deed, that which I committed this evening, was an atrocity. I know there can be no redemption from the place I have taken myself. I must spend my time alone here, in purgatory, the last circle of the Dante's Inferno.

I can not even beg forgiveness. With all of my heart, and my soul, I wish I could ask for salvation. But I can not be saved. There is no penance that can absolve me of my sins. No recitations of script and verse that can pale the blackness that colors my heart. What I have done is forever. I will live with this scar on my heart, from this moment forward, into eternity.

Pray for me, if you care. I can not be saved, but perhaps damnation can be avoided. I shall now sleep on what I have done. My hope is that morning light will dilute the pitch that colors my heart.

I watched Crossroads, starring Britney Spears.
Blog Question Of The Day:

How important is proper grammar and spelling in IM conversations?
Alright, I wanna know, which one of you said it could drop to -30 C again!?!?!

Tuesday, March 02, 2004

I forgot to mention . . .

It's been one of those days.

Actually, its beginning to look like, one of those weeks.

I say that because, it started last night. I spent about 2 hours last night, again, trying to get the wireless connection to my PDA to work. It still doesn't. I don't know what the issue is. I can use my PDA on the wireless network in the office, and besides being a little slow, it works just fine. So what's wrong at home, which is hooked up exactly the same? I don't get that.

I guess it actually started yesterday, period, end of sentence. I had all those computer 'issues' that made up my Monday blog entry. Thus I've been running uphill, with a boulder on my back, for two days now. But I handle it well, given the circumstances I'm dealt. Take another pill, and stay happy for a day.

So I come to work this morning and the software I bought online yesterday has finished restoring all my data to me. A few glitches and bumps along the way, as it managed to restore some stuff that I actually wanted deleted, or had moved to somewhere else in the directory structure, thus leaving me with things in different spots at the same time. No problem, now lets put it all back on the portable hard drive.

Uhhhh..... no, I don't think we'll be doing that. WTF!?!?! I can NOT get this directory to remove itself from the hard drive. The damn thing had become completely orphaned. 28 gigabytes worth of space that I couldn't gain access to, to save my life, but similarly is not intact enough that Windows can understand what it is, and let me REMOVE it. Stuck halfway between heaven and hell.

So I have to format the drive. But Hell's Bell's, that's not simple either. The original file system on the drive was something called FAT32. For the purposes of simplicity I'll categorize this as a Windows 98 thing. I'm on Windows 2000 at work. Windows 2000 uses something called NTFS. Now you can convert FAT32 to NTFS, but it doesn't seem its possible (without spending more money on this project) to convert NTFS to FAT32. And you can't format to FAT32 from Windows 2000, to the full 120 gigabyte limit of my portable drive. Long story short? My portable hard drive will no longer be completely backwards compatible with Windows 98. I'm not sure how I feel about that. Nevertheless I spent an enormous amount of time on the puzzle, finally arriving at a conclusion that didn't thrill me, but made the best of a bad situation.

And then there was Souris. That climbed up and barfed on me again. I hate that place. Luckily it wasn't anything that would need me to DO anything. Just write a letter acknowledging their complaints, and suggesting a course of action. I wrote the letter. We'll see if they freak out. I'm guessing yes, but hoping for no.

This has been Tuesday, March 2, 2004. If you need me, I'll be the lump under the green blanket.

Blog Song Of The Day:

Adam Sandler - Somebody Kill Me

Monday, March 01, 2004

Is it just me, or does South America look like a T-bone steak?
Its been one of those days.

I thought I'd get ahead of the game last night. Everyone left, after a successful Gamefest (I thought it went well) and I was feeling a little blue. I had lots of time on my hands so I figured I'd build the computer that Greg had brought me on Thursday, in parts. I spent a couple hours last night putting it together, and making it ready to put into place today.

It was a nice idea.

I get to work, ready to do the operating system install. We can't find out Windows 2000 disk. Maybe it got loaned to somebody. Fine, but then why isn't it here now!?! I was not amused. There was talk of hacking our way around the problem by I decided no, its our disk, whoever has it can cough it up. Finally someone admitted having it, and gave it back. I commenced the install.

Installing Windows takes a long time. First, you don't format a 120 GB hard drive in two minutes. That gobbled up a considerable amount of time. Then I spent half an hour installing the OS. Then there are driver updates, Windows patches, peripheral devices, yadda, yadda, yadda. More and more time. It went on and on and on, until I swear I had uploaded into the thing the entirety of human wisdom.

Meanwhile, work happened. The phone is ringing, the birds are singing, all is merry and bright! NOT!!! The phone is ringing, but its more grumbling I didn't really want to hear. Just make it happen people, its not going to go away because you wish it to be so. Then my computer coughed up on itself. I was not amused. My one folder, while completely intact, and not recording an error, could not be accessed because, while it showed up in Windows, was not apparently there. I didn't get that. Spent a couple hours trying to fix that, before abandoning that pursuit and just downloading off the internet, a program that is supposed to recover files from a hard drive, in just such an instance as the one I have.

Meanwhile, as my hard drive was burping on itself, my video installation decided to crap out, again. More frustration to a day that was already frustrating enough. I attempted to patch it, the way I had before, and get back to normal operation. This time it would not allow me to follow the steps that I'd used before. The driver installation simply WOULD NOT come out. So I have to fuss around with that, and find a solution that would do more than 640x480 in 16 colors.

it is now 3:30, and all seems more or less right with the universe. Perhaps I speak too soon. The hard drive recovery is not complete yet. Just my luck, it'll probably spontaneously combust yet. Stay tuned for updates.

Blog Question Of The Day: Part Two:

Why does Windows default the time zone to Tijuana, when you first install the operating system?
Blog Question Of The Day:

Does anyone get a 'perm' anymore?