Blog Question Of The Day
Should I buy Lego - The Force Awakens Deluxe Edition for $10?
Saturday, April 20, 2019
La Connexion Francaise (2019-04-20)
La Connexion Francaise
serrer = tighten
entortiller = twist
machinalement = by rote
épouvantable = terrible
survivre = survive
ébranler = shake
Dénombrement en français
Mon allergies est meurtre moi ce matin.
serrer = tighten
entortiller = twist
machinalement = by rote
épouvantable = terrible
survivre = survive
ébranler = shake
Dénombrement en français
Mon allergies est meurtre moi ce matin.
Friday, April 19, 2019
La Connexion Francaise (2019-04-19)
La Connexion Francaise
assourdissante = deafening
Dénombrement en français
C'est un jour charmant aujourd-hui.
assourdissante = deafening
Dénombrement en français
C'est un jour charmant aujourd-hui.
Thursday, April 18, 2019
La Connexion Francaise (2019-04-18)
La Connexion Francaise
debarrasser = get rid of
vif = bright
pourfendre = slay
dégainer = unsheathe
effrayer = scare
pentu = sloping
dessus = above
grimper = climb
faufiler =- sneak out
jurer = swear
Dénombrement en français
Je dois jurer sur ces manuels. Ce me fait furieux.
debarrasser = get rid of
vif = bright
pourfendre = slay
dégainer = unsheathe
effrayer = scare
pentu = sloping
dessus = above
grimper = climb
faufiler =- sneak out
jurer = swear
Dénombrement en français
Je dois jurer sur ces manuels. Ce me fait furieux.
Wednesday, April 17, 2019
La Connexion Francaise (2019-04-17)
La Connexion Francaise
briser = break
vitre = window
revanche = revenge
subitement = suddenly
aveugle = blind
sourd = deaf
hélas = alas
envers = towards
enfuir = escape
cadenasser = padlock
creuser = dig
galérien = convict
Dénombrement en français
Je ne sens pas réussi ce matin.
briser = break
vitre = window
revanche = revenge
subitement = suddenly
aveugle = blind
sourd = deaf
hélas = alas
envers = towards
enfuir = escape
cadenasser = padlock
creuser = dig
galérien = convict
Dénombrement en français
Je ne sens pas réussi ce matin.
Tuesday, April 16, 2019
Act of Caring (2019-04-16)
Act of Caring
Even though I rarely take from the office candy store, I restocked the fridge with my Coca-Cola this afternoon.
Even though I rarely take from the office candy store, I restocked the fridge with my Coca-Cola this afternoon.
Blog Question Of The Day (2019-04-16)
Blog Question Of The Day
Where is my Colorado Avalanche jersey from the 2017 trip to Denver?
What's it going to take for my ball hockey team to play with a resemblance of proper execution in the offensive and defensive zone?
Where is my Colorado Avalanche jersey from the 2017 trip to Denver?
What's it going to take for my ball hockey team to play with a resemblance of proper execution in the offensive and defensive zone?
Today I Learned . . . (2019-04-16)
Today I Learned . . .
SARCAN is open late on Thursday and Friday night.
SARCAN is open late on Thursday and Friday night.
La Connexion Francaise (2019-04-16)
La Connexion Francaise
parier = bet
guetter = watch
amadouer = coax
percer = drill
ombre = shadow
étroite = narrow
cadenas = padlock
Dénombrement en français
Je jouera balle hockey ce soir.
parier = bet
guetter = watch
amadouer = coax
percer = drill
ombre = shadow
étroite = narrow
cadenas = padlock
Dénombrement en français
Je jouera balle hockey ce soir.
Monday, April 15, 2019
La Connexion Francaise (2019-04-15)
La Connexion Francaise
épier = spy
orfèvrerie = goldsmith
venelle = alley
braguette = fly
serrure = lock
reculer = retreat
jurer = swear
caleçon = underpants
Dénombrement en français
J'ai dû changer mon caleçon ce matin.
épier = spy
orfèvrerie = goldsmith
venelle = alley
braguette = fly
serrure = lock
reculer = retreat
jurer = swear
caleçon = underpants
Dénombrement en français
J'ai dû changer mon caleçon ce matin.
Sunday, April 14, 2019
Today I Learned . . . (2019-04-14)
Today I Learned . . .
Sloths travel 3 times as fast in water than on land. They are great swimmers and can hold their breath up to 40 minutes by slowing their heart rate to 1/3 the normal pace.
Sloths travel 3 times as fast in water than on land. They are great swimmers and can hold their breath up to 40 minutes by slowing their heart rate to 1/3 the normal pace.
The Daily Affirmation (2019-04-14)
The Daily Affirmation
Despite some technical difficulties, we watched the first episode of Game of Thrones Season 8!
Despite some technical difficulties, we watched the first episode of Game of Thrones Season 8!
La Connexion Francaise (2019-04-14)
La Connexion Francaise
soutirer = extract
élancant = darting
couloir = corridor
sourde = deaf
Dénombrement en français
Je sentis monter en m'estomac un douleur terne.
soutirer = extract
élancant = darting
couloir = corridor
sourde = deaf
Dénombrement en français
Je sentis monter en m'estomac un douleur terne.