Friday, November 18, 2005

I swear the universe must be sentient. There's no way one guy could be this unlucky. The only possible excuse is that:

fate. . .
the universe. . .
destiny. . .
the cosmos. . .
God perhaps. . .

is out to get me.
It smells like Subway in here.
I had the strangest dream last night.

First of all, I was on vacation. But it was no place I'd ever been before. I think it was Mexico, or supposed to be Mexico, but I have this recollection of being just off the coast of Florida. It was a lush, tropical location. The resort layout was kind of strange, or at least nothing I was used to. All the cabins were along the ocean front, and you walked from place to place through the bushes, along this wood sidewalk.

That's not what was strange.

First of all, I was there alone, while everyone else was with someone. That depressed me but whatever. My cousin Bruce was there, but I've never travelled with him. I was bunking with Cowan, but he wasn't there alone, so I didn't quite understand that. Plus, I knew all these people were on the trip but I could never find anyone. I was always on the beach alone.

Somehow I'd hurt my hands so I was leaving the beach a lot to go re-wrap them with gauze. I didn't understand that at all.

Here's the weird part. I went walking on this open land that actually resembled a golf course a lot, but no one was playing golf. Suddenly, out of the pond started walking this huge lizards. But the silly thing was, they didn't look leathery and 'real' like you'd expect. They were all wildly colored and vaguely cartoonish. Actually, they were painted up like you'd expect to see video game monsters.

Now I get all excited about these monsters and go looking for my friends. I find them, and they assure me I must be over-reacting and completely wrong. So I take them back to where I find the monsters and they all freak out when they realize that I'm right. So we're running from place to place in this resort, and the whole place is over-run with cartoon-like dinosaur monsters.

I think that dream ended when I woke up in a start because I had the blankets wrapped around my leg. Then I had another dream that I was living in my new house, but it was actually attached to the house I live in, in Central Butte. But the stupid part was that the houses were only joined, with an indoor walkway, through the attic. And the door to get from one to the other was this solid steel door, with a massive hydraulic contraption for opening it. And to add final insult to the injury of using it, it was only about half the regular height of a regular door.

I think I need to lay off the cheap drugs.

Thursday, November 17, 2005

Do you ever encounter something and you can't help asking - what's the point?

I'm downloading drivers for a computer today. And every driver I want to download comes with a 19 page document prefacing the download button. WHY!?! Nobody reads these things. I mean NOBODY. We all just scroll down and click Accept.

At least have the decency to put the Accept button at the top. Think of those people without scroll mouses.

Monday, November 14, 2005

I swear people must be stupid.

On one day you will have them bitching sulfuriously about the price of gas. The commentary will be that high gas prices are the ruination of society. We will be completely bankrupt by ruthless corporations bent solely on stealing our hard earned money.

Then another day when its only modestly cold, they will start their vehicle 15 minutes before they intend to go home so that the interior can be warm when they get in.

Sunday, November 13, 2005

Today my wrath is directed towards the insidious presence of:

AOL Music - First Listen

Why must they ruin everything with their annoying corporate presence!?!