Thursday, April 29, 2004

I have returned. Sadly, there is little to report.

In news from 'the place we shall not name', there is no news. God damn iron filters. I blew off three days and did not get to ascertain the state of my accursed filters. One day to seal everything back up, and prepare for rinse. One day to rinse, and not get it completely clean, and then another day wasted trying to backwash. God do I hate that place. God do I hate iron filters. I hate the whole damn thing!!!!!

In other news, there is no news. My life has become sadly boring. I really need to get out of that town in Manitoba. It has made me bitter and sad. Luckily I've had Melissa's cell phone messages to guide me from darkness into the sun. Thanks Missy, you're a doll.

Off to the APEGS meeting tomorrow. I doubt there will be highlights but I'll keep you informed.


Monday, April 26, 2004

Blog Survey Of The Day:

Should I get an above ground pool?
Blog Question Of The Day:

Why would you EVER put carrot into a hamburger pattie!?!
Melissa and Christiane are the sweetest girls on the planet!!!

Thanks for the card!
Okay, I just remembered one of the things I wanted to blog about. Credit for remembering this goes to Melissa, as her food comments made me remember my boycott of Mr. Sub, which has lead to another boycott.

I will be boycotting the Teacher's Credit Union. Their radio commercials are idiotic. Don't take 0% financing from the dealership and instead come to the Teacher's Credit Union and get bend over for 10%+ rates on a car!?! Oh yeah, that makes sense. Argument #1 from them, you might pay full sticker price. Full stick, at 0% is probably cheaper than paying all that interest to the Credit Union. (You might save money on this if the car is really, really cheap) To the best of my knowledge, the only vehicles that are exempted from 0% financing are the really expensive ones, which if you can afford, probably are not being paid for by a Teacher's Credit Union loan..

They made a bunch of stupid reasons but they were all gay. Suffice it to say, its a crappy commercial. Please, all of you, join with me in boycotting the Teacher's Credit Union.
Sometimes I really hate that drive back to Watson on Monday morning.

I must have had about 30 good thoughts for a blog entry, as I drove back this morning. Then i've been through two hours of my usual phone hell, and now I can't remember a single one of them. That, right there, is damn messed up. And you can't even scribble the ideas down for yourself, because you're driving. Have you ever tried to write something while you drive? I nearly end up in the ditch every time I try.

I sunburned my head, driving around on Friday with the sunroof unobscured. I didn't notice until I had a shower and wondered why it hurt to get water on my head. I didn't get that shower until Saturday morning. I got up at 10:00 on Friday morning, and by 10:30 I was driving. Except for the four hours I spent in the field south of Virden, all I did on Friday was drive. For the record, it was boring. I got to my friend Greg's place, and promptly fell asleep on the couch. I don't think my fellow gamers were very amused. :-)

I now have a digital video camera. Its still in the box, two days later. I think I'm going to have to sit down and have a serious conversation with myself about buying stuff I never use. I bought a high definition satellite system, and I haven't been home for a majority of a week since I got it. I bought that high definition TV last summer, and promptly went on the road for two weeks after bringing it home. I need to either a) buy less stuff, or b) only buy portable stuff. Or, failing either of those, actually have a freakin' plan for all the crap I buy.

I may be a Shop-o-holic. I'll get evaluated and report the results to all of you.

This is G-5 signing off, from beyond the moon of Endor.

Sunday, April 25, 2004

Its 3:41 AM on a Saturday night/Sunday morning. What the hell am I doing still awake?

I don't even know anymore. Things that felt right, feel wrong now. Successes have mutated themselves until they feel like failures. Good times have been painted over with a wide brush, tainted heavily with slate grey. The light that would shine in my eyes, has given way to the soul absorbing color of black.

Its quarter to four in the morning, and I can't make the voices in my head stay still enough to find sleep. They shriek and howl at me, demanding that I do things I feel incapable of doing. They moan about failures past, and failures that are sure to come. The wailing and screaming echoes around in my brain, drowning out any merriment I might find in a life that is not, by any stretch of the imagination, a bad one.

I can't stand the noise. The incessant barking and roaring floods my senses. It gives me a headache. It won't let me rest, even though my body does nothing else but beg from me that I stop. Exhaustion piles on fatigue and yet I keep going. One half of me wants nothing more than to stop completely, and hide in the dark from the demons that would pursue me. The other half rails at me to not be weak, to not give in to those desires. The cacophony of sound in my brain makes me want to pull it from within my skull and hurl it as far as my limbs can make it go.

I just want some peace and quiet. A few hours, or a day, when all the shouting stops, and my mind can truly be at rest. A moment of silence, that stretches on so that I don't remember it beginning, and can not see it ending. One block of time when all wants, desires, responsibilities and duties, melt into the background and I can just rest. And enjoy that I am resting.

One night of sleep.

Good night.