Friday, July 25, 2003

After reading blogs (sorry Sean), talking to friends and how I feel myself, I've decided that, everything sucks.

This has been your daily, public service announcement.
I just wanna say this publicly. Not that its going to reduce the amount, or type, of spam that I get in my inbox, but somehow I think I'm going to feel better by saying this in the open.

I do NOT want any generic Viagra. If I want Viagra, I'll go to the doctor and get the real stuff.

I do NOT need penis enlargement. Any suggestion that you can achieve enlargement, is patently false (with the exception of some sketchy hope through surgery) so why even entertain the notion? Nor do I really NEED it, as my equipment is adequate for all purposes.

Thank you for listening.

Thursday, July 24, 2003

Okay, can someone explain this to me. This is a scenario that seems to defy all of my attempts to understand it. Maybe I'm missing something. Perhaps there's a key to this question that is just eluding my, not so feeble, brainpower. If anyone knows, PLEASE tell me.

What is the deal with gas prices? I mean, I've been going to the Brandon area for about four months now. Everytime I go, the price at the pump is 69.9 cents a liter. Everytime! It doesn't change. For that matter, the price in Watson hasn't moved off 72.9 cents a liter in months. So what's going on in Saskatoon and Regina!?! Its all over the map. It can be less than that benchmark 69.9 or way more than that, which is where it is now. So what's so damn special about these two places in Saskatchewan? I mean, its not like we necessarily HAVE to truck it in. For that matter, we're closer to Alberta, where there's lots of gas, than Brandon is. Why is the gas price so high, and so unstable, here? Is it just that we're more gullible? I don't get it. Which pisses me off.

I've had too much time to think about things in the last couple days. I need to be hit in the face with a rubber mallet and spend a couple of days unconscious.

By the way, I haven't had an opportunity to do this. I keep forgettting. Hello to all my new readers. I know you know that I know that you're out there. I hope you enjoy my (semi) daily rants.


Monday, July 21, 2003

Sometimes in life we just made a good choice. These things happen a little by chance, a little by good planning, and a little by luck. However, when it all comes together, the result is just beautiful.

My new TV is stunning. There is no better word for it than stunning. It was kind of tough to get things moved around in my living room, by myself, so it took awhile before I got it in place. I hooked up the satellite, and had to fiddle with the settings a bit before I got a signal. But my god was it stunning. I was amazed. I also began giggling like a schoolgirl. It may have been expensive but the money will quickly, and easily, earn itself back. I am impressed.

I decided to re-arrange my office this morning. I'm not entirely sure what my moment of inspiration was to begin this project. Its an idea I've had for awhile now, but just never did anything about because it would require a bunch of effort. Suddenly, this morning, I got it in my head that it had to be done. So for an hour I muscled, and shoved things around in here, so my desk is oriented opposite to the way it was before. I knew it would be a good idea, and it is. I sit farther back now, with the rounded, open table portion to the front. It creates the illusion of my room in here. I am happy with the result, and glad I took the effort to make it happen. Now I'll be gone for most of the rest of the week. :-s

I also brought my new TV home this morning. The trip was uneventful, as that trip normally is. Having the TV made me more cautious but, its all highway driving, on a stretch of road that has few surprises on it. I arrived here without incident. Got the water truck guy to come over and help me move it into the house. That was a bit of an adventure. The box was too big to get in the door, so we're tilting, and lifting, and pushing, and struggling, to get it in, up over and into the living room. I think it took about 10 minutes. Not bad, all things considered. I will go home at lunch today, uncrate it, and see what the picture looks like. 8-D

This may be me only blogging day this week. I have some field trips to go on this week so I'm not sure when, or even if, I'll get back to my computer this week. If I don't, have yourselves good weeks, and email me any excitement you encounter.
