Saturday, June 26, 2004

A Day In The Life of Commonwealth Stadium
(Game Day)
1:47 PM

cooking begins . . .
Today we have a burger promotion. We will be cooking 19,000 burgers. More to come.
A Day In The Life of Commonwealth Stadium
(Game Day)
11:15 AM

Sunny with a high of 25...almoist zero wind. Expected attendance.....35,000. We are in pre-production mode

Friday, June 25, 2004

Have you ever been in one of those bathrooms with huge mirrors? Or one of those bathrooms with mirrored shower doors? In my sister's new house, there is a bathroom off the kitchen. Its got an interesting shower (Which BTW Candace and Trevor, could use a nicer shower curtain) and a mirror that runs the length of the small room. Thus, when you're using the commode, as a guy, you can watch yourself.

Am I the only person that is creeped out by this? I'm doing some anecdotal reckoning but I would suspect that the average length of time to do one's business is 30 seconds. Its not entirely impossible to not look, but when its RIGHT THERE, I find it impossible to not glance up at least once. And then I'm watching myself do my business, and it troubles me in a vague, not easily defined, way.

Obviously girls woundn't have the EXACT same experience, in that bathroom. But how about the rest of you guys? Or girls when the shower doors are mirrored? Am I alone in this? Discuss amongst yourselves.


Thursday, June 24, 2004

I guess I kind of left you all hanging, didn't I?

This morning's Word Of The Day did have a basis in life. It was not just a random choice.

Okay then, knock it off with the stupid melodrama!!!

My sister is now engaged. Last night about 8:00 or so I got a call from Candace. She was all breathless and excited. She managed to get out the part about being proposed to, and the accepting. Beyond that she seemed to dazed to make much sense. (sorry Candace, just calling them like I see them)

So that was yesterday's big news, to go on top of full tilt deer destruction. It turned out to be a momentous day.

Congratulations to Candace and Trevor. Those of you with the means, please send them well wishes. I, for one, am extremely happy for them.

G&M's Word Of The Day:


Wednesday, June 23, 2004

Who among you will step up to the task of joining me, as I indulge my interest in puerile teenage comedies?
So, I hit a deer today.

I had just left the Gordon Indian reserve, on my way to the Muskowekwan Indian Reserve. I was in a hurry, since the meeting at Gordon ran WAY long. It was quarter to twelve before I made it back to the highway, and cell phone coverage. I started down the highway, a little irritated because I wouldn't make it to Muskowekwan before lunch. I really didn't want to hang around outside the water plant for an hour or more, waiting for operators to return after lunch.

I'm coming down the highway and this deer head pops up out of the grass. I instinctively brake, as anyone would. But the deer doesn't appear to want to come up onto the road. As I get close, it breaks into a dead run, in the same direction that I am travelling.

I don't quite understand what this deer's motivation was. A dead sprint through the tall grass in the ditch, in parallel with me. I slow down from normal highway speed, but he's staying in the ditch so I don't come to a stop. Then, as we reach the congruence of our velocities, this stupid animal decides to make the break for the opposite side of the road.

I slammed on the brakes but that was of little consequence. Squish, squish goes the deer as I pile into it, primarily with the front, driver side, quarter panel. This whole process took about 5 seconds, but the results remain imprinted into my vehicle.

Fun for me. I just LOVE dealing with SGI. Why is it we're not hunting these animals to extinction?


Tuesday, June 22, 2004

As some of you may know, I have a big yard. Before it was all conjecture when the question was posed, how big is it? Now I have a definitive answer.

Last night I yanked my GPS out of my truck. (no mean feat considering the mount I purchased for it) I reset it to zero and roamed around my backyard, taking distance measurements.

(As a sidebar I should mention that I did end up getting a kid to cut my grass. I was toiling in my front yard and this little guy comes over and offers to do it for me. $10 per cut. Its a fair price, considering the 90 square acres I have in the back.)

Back to your originally scheduled blog entry. The dimensions of my yard (when we average the discrepancies) are 28.1 meters from rear of the house to the back fence. Width between fence on either side is 12.1 meters. For those of you not keen on doing the math, I'll add that too. It gives me a back yard only size of 340 square meters, or a whopping 3660 square feet. This does not include any front yard, the driveway, or the plot the house sits on. All that excluded, my yard is still HUGE!!!
A new survey question for my faithful readers.

My parents are on vacation right now. They are on a 3 week bus tour to Alaska. I am glad they have gone on this trip. They deserve to have more experiences than just staying home, doing chores, and earning money at their various odd jobs. (tutoring, contract sewing, etc)

This does, however, leave me with something of a question. What do I do for the weekend? Half the point of going to Saskatoon every weekend is to spend time with my family. There's no family in Saskatoon this weekend. I could stay in Watson for the weekend but, I have to be in Maple Creek on Monday, so whatever I choose to do, should take me closer to Maple Creek. It would seem that no matter what I choose, its a weekend alone. I am less than enthusiastic about this turn of events.

Does anyone have any thoughts? I would gladly entertain a plan. Contact as usual. Toodles!!

Monday, June 21, 2004

Show of hands, who thinks I should add 'Hampton the Hampster - The Official Hamster Dance Song' to my WinAmp playlist!?!
G&M's Word Of The Day:

Okay people, heads up! Its time to get serious about something.

June has now arrived, and I feel the time is at hand that we discuss the vacation situation. As you all should know, I'm going. Once my handlers from SP let me know when monster trucks are next year, we'll have the time window pinned down. That leaves us with only a few questions.

Where - I'm still voting Cuba
Resort - I've had the 'Beaches' corporation suggested to me
How much - probably critical for some people
Hotel Rating - I'm pushing for 5 star, simply because I've done everything from 3 to 5, and for the extra you pay for 5 star, its really worth it
Amenities - probably the wrong word but I'm looking for suggestions on resort services that are important - say golf, for instance
Cultural exchange - do you want a resort buried in the jungle, or something more urban, thus allowing for more immersion in the culture of a foreign country
Agenda - Do you wanna party hard on vacation? Just lie on the beach and listen to the ocean? Experience a different culture? Shop? Tour?

These are my preliminary questions, to kick off the vacation planning duties. As I have now posed the question, I will take the position of co-ordinator. I have a small staff that will be employed to research available packages, secure pricing, and help determine how much do we get for how little. Right now I'm looking for comments. What do you want from your vacation experience?

Reply as always. Toodles!