Saturday, January 19, 2008

Blog Question Of The Day:

Why are Government of Canada envelopes printed upside-down?

Friday, January 18, 2008

Do you know what really grinds my gears?

People that do something patently stupid, just because they're too lazy to walk 50 feet.

I'm leaving hockey this afternoon. Its a rink with two sheets of ice, and its not 4:30 in the afternoon so the action is beginning to heat up. The parking lot is starting to fill with cars. But its not full. Maximum density has not been reached. If you just drive to the end of the parking lot, there are lots of spots.

So what does this arrogant bitch in a champagne colored mini-van do? She turns off the street and immediately turns left and parks on the grass. On the grass!

You'd never do that in the spring or summer, when the grass is green and people are obviously tending to it. So why is it allowable in the god damn winter!?! Just because its covered in ice and snow does not mean you can park there! Grow a god damn brain!

P.S. VIP parking for concerts at Credit Union Centre is still gay.

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

This is just about the coolest thing that ever happened!

We had a mini-blizzard today. It was no terror or anything. Starting sometime overnight we had snow and a howling wind. It rose to a crescendo about 10:00 or 11:00 this morning. When I went for lunch at noon it was going pretty good. I've seen worse but it was a pretty good snowstorm.

Funny thing about going for lunch. When I came back I saw the funniest thing. There were two cop cars and a tow truck on Idylwyld heading south. This was approximately at Wheatheart. There, buried deep in the ditch was a Hummer H3. I guess they can't go through everything.

Back to the story.

I came home tonight at 9:30. I was kinda dreading it because there was a lot of snow on the road and frankly, I was fearing a big set of snow drifts in my driveway. But it was clean! Completely free! At first I thought maybe the wind has been such that it blew clean. But that was not the truth. Someone with a snow blower had seen fit to blow out my driveway. The whole thing. I am shocked, amazed, and quite humbled. I don't know why anyone would would do that for me.

But there it is, plain as anything. My driveway is clear and I don't have an hour's shovelling to do tomorrow. So, if whoever blew out my driveway is reading this, I bid you a hearty THANK YOU! I definitely appreciate it.