Saturday, September 06, 2003

I have learned a new skill. Actually its more of an application of an existing skill, but I have learned how to do a new thing, and thus I am proud of me. I know how to make 'skins' for Yahoo Messenger. I played around with the feature last night and after some thought while in bed, came up with a good idea for a background for my Yahoo Messenger, which I implemented this morning. Yay for me! (you gotta take joy in the little things.)


Friday, September 05, 2003

I just thought of an interesting question. Would the name of every person, currently alive, be recorded somewhere? Assuming this is true, and all this data could be collected in the same place, we could figure out the number of people, in the world, that shared your name. What a stupid thing to want to do, for no good reason. :-)
Our 2:00 song is Three Days Grace - Home. This is an excellent song. In fact, I think Glow Boy should download it. I think it would resonate with him.

This is a super Grant New Bulletin, live from the desk in Watson!

I want The Family Guy DVD series. That show absolutely kills me. I just about wet myself laughing today. Stewie the baby gets me every time. And Meg was really funny today. I wish they still made that show. It is the funniest thing I've ever seen.

This is a heads up to all of you looking for a Christmas gift for me (hint to Mom, Candace): Family Guy DVD's.

Thanks for listening.
More strange dreams last night. :-s

I dreamt that I was in this big mall, and wandering around. I stopped at this hair place because I knew the guy who cut hair there. Once inside I looked in a mirror and noticed I had long, flowing hair. I needed a hair cut. I got in the chair and the guy started cutting my hair. But it was kind of creepy because he was dressed in Roman toga type clothing. As he was cutting my hair it seemed like his toga robes were getting less plentiful. I woke up about the time he was bare chested.

I gotta do something about these dreams. I need a good, old fashioned, wholesome dream to mellow me out.


Thursday, September 04, 2003

I forgot to mention this. I've been visited by Sean's friend Murphy. Both my digital camera and cruise control seem to be broken.
Another night of weird dreaming. And no, I didn't have pickles and ice cream.

I don't remember the start of it but at one point we got to a point where my parents wanted to move to a red brick house on Ave. G and 20th Street. I know, WHAT THE HELL!?!?! Let's just accept that particular thing and move on. Anyway, I was driving through Saskatoon on my way to this house, to see what it was like. For some reason it was an incredibly long drive, and it wound through a residential section that was heavily treed and very winding. I remember that vividly. As well as those aspects of it, there were also many hills and for a reason I can't fathom, I was driving a Ford Festiva hatchback. I know, WHAT THE HELL!?!?!?!

For some reason I had to stop. Or more accurately, we had to stop, as my family was with me. Oh right, I stopped because of my cast, that was the motivation. I needed to fix my cast, as it was falling off. So we go into, not a medical clinic, but some weird general store/health store. Everything that went on there was just too weird for description but I will try. First they wrapped a horse blanket around my leg, like that was supposed to help. That fell apart rapidly and we had to abandon the whole, save the original cast, solution. Then they wanted to give me a plaster cast. But it wasn't a real cast but they wanted to put my leg in a giant, clear plastic pail, and then pour in freezing cold plaster. I didn't get that at all. I wasn't real hip to this plan and tried to talk them into a fibreglas cast, like I have already. Then segued into the next part of the dream.

The person who took over helping me was, an incarnation of the pretty girl that works at the Safeway pharmacy, and who I know from when she worked at the Macs store. Janice by name, to save on confusion from here out. I tried to talk her into the fibreglas cast but she didn't think they had anything. So we hobbled up and checked out the kids section and they had some fibreglas material with kid prints on it. We picked up a few of these and went down the theatre seating (yes, I know) to the bottom, to put it on. But before she could get to work on building a new cast, it was the end of the day (9:00 pm on the clock) and she was done. I hadn't been there THAT long, I didn't think.

So we're into the last part that I remember. At the bottom of the theatre seating is not walls, but open, like a porch, and it empties into a courtyard with little shops and services. Most are health in natural, medical clinic (yes, I know), dental clinic, crutch store, and so on. That's not the weird part. The weird part is there is an old woman who is clearly insane, shouting obscenities at me as I hobble along. So I go back into the store that was SUPPOSED to be closed, and ask Janice what's going on. She tells me to ignore the woman, as she's crazy, and nobody bothers with her. And now, even though everything is SUPPOSED to be closed, she gives me a new cast, made out of green fibreglas wrap.

That's the last I remember. I gotta remember to eat something before bed. I can't have any more of these weird dreams.


Wednesday, September 03, 2003

I don't know whether I'm bored, or tired or what. First I had a craving for Dairy Queen ice cream treats, now I want a Chicken Chef hamburger. I should probably have more than an apple for supper.

I had a weird dream last night. I'm trying real hard to remember the details but they elude me, like sand through your fist. It had some elements of Star Wars, The Terminator, and there was some weird thing about the CFL having played a season as arena football, with Saskatchewan and Toronto in the Grey Cup, which was played to a full house in Sask. Place. If I can conjure up some concrete details for you, I will do so.


Tuesday, September 02, 2003

I swear there is code in Windows designed specifically to piss me off.

I put my new USB hub on my desk today, and went about installing it. Its USB, its supposed to be 'plug'n'play' right? WRONG!!! I know the theory is, that you just plug it in, and everything works seamlessly. So why doesn't it do that for me? I plug in the damn thing, and it does the whirly-be-bop stuff that its supposed to, then hangs. It won't finish the install. Well what the hell is going on here!?! It keeps asking for this EHCI installation disk. I don't have an EHCI Installation Disk. So I go to my documentation. No driver disk with the hardware. Explanation? Its USB, its supposed to 'just work'. ARRGGGHHHH!!!! So its to the internet. 20 minutes of fruitless searching brings me back to Windows 'just work' solution. I read the error messages carefully and its actually looking for a 'ousb2hub.sys' file. Hhhmmmmm, that looks suspiciously Windows system-ish to me. Better to a hard drive search. Finish that and Voila! I have the damnedable file on my hard drive. Go through the ridiculous procedure of having to tell Windows where its own damn file is, and once again, Voila!, my new USB hub works.

Bill Gates and his fiendish hellspawn can all toss my salad.


Sunday, August 31, 2003

I've said this before but . . .