Wednesday, February 12, 2003

Well, this is the last day before I leave. I thought I'd jot down a quick blog entry while I had a minute. Funny, I'm not excited. I'm actually nervous and tense. I believe I'm having a small panic attack. Which sucks because these aren't fun. :-s

I don't really have anything to say this morning. I've been kind of lost in a fog the whole time I've been awake. I was kind of in a fog while I was sleeping too. I had a continual night of sleep, but it wasn't relaxed. I have a vague recollection of hazy, disconnected dreaming. I guess that doesn't matter much. I tend to ponder my dreams though, and I'm always discombobulated when they won't fit into some kind of pattern.

I'm at once happy to be going on vacation, and sad at leaving so much behind. Life's been pretty chaotic for the last year, and as much as I want to get away from it, there is a sense of comfort in knowing your circumstances, even if you percieve them to be lousy. I will actually miss coming to work, even though its been causing me grief lately. I'm going to miss talking to my friends on the computer. I'm going to miss my routine on weekdays, and my frenetic weekends in Saskatoon. And I'm going to miss Tara. Lots of missing. It almost doesn't seem like the fun of a vacation is going to replace it.

One thing that might be causing my trepidation today is the realization of what happened last year. I went on vacation, came home, and promptly lost my job. I hadn't considered that particular angle until just this moment. I hope that's not what's preying on my mind.

I guess the only thing to do is throw aside all my cares and just embrace the coming experience. I will take some pictures, collect some stories, and come home with lots to write about here, in this blog. Miss me people, because I'm going to miss you.


Tuesday, February 11, 2003

I've done it again. No, no, not that! Geez, you guys have sick minds! :-P

No, I wrote something that's not going to see the light of day. I wonder some days why I even bother putting this stuff on page. Of course I know the answer to my own question. I need the catharsis of committing stuff to some kind of reality, since I will, in all probability, never act on the things that I can so easily put on a page. I wish I had more confidence in myself. Any time I have the guts to let someone read something I've written, I always get mostly positive feedback. They always have suggestions, which is good, but for the most part they think its good. Still I'm mired in self doubt. I hate rejection. That's my biggest failing, and probably the one single factor that limits me most as a human being.

Anyway, what I wrote. I wrote a caustic pilot report yesterday afternoon and into this morning. We got a set of comments about the first revision of the original report. (For you keeping score that means this is the third iteration of the pilot report) Most of them were valid, from the point of view that the information wasn't there. However, the information wasn't there because there was none to give. Really, they didn't need to ask the questions that were asked. It shouldn't matter to them. Bottom line, do we think can provide the quality of water asked for in the contract? We said that we think we could. That should be end of story. So, being the type of person I am, wrote a very politely worded report where the veiled response was for them to sod off. I gotta break myself of this habit! 8-(

Hell is other people – Jean-Paul Satre
Someone actually called this the worst joke of the day.

I'm a single Mom. I had minor surgery and while I was recovering and spending most of the day in bed, my seven year old son asked me why I didn't have a boyfriend.
I told him the television was my boyfriend, he entertained me all the time.
The only problem was the television set was old and would just shut off for no reason. But, I would just give it a few hard wacks on the side and it would come back on, which was no big deal...
A couple of days later the pastor stopped by to check on my recovery.
I was trying to get the television to come back on so, my son answered the door.
The pastor smiled and asked "Is your mother busy, son? My little one looked up at him and replied, "No, sir, she's in the bedroom banging her boyfriend!"

Monday, February 10, 2003

Just for the record, I hate greensand filtration. Its stupid and pointless, in most instances as a membrane system will deal with dissolved iron and manganese in water just fine. If either is oxided there is a problem but typically that's not the case. I fail to see the point of purposely oxidizing the iron and manganese, to remove it with greensand filtration, when if you leave it alone its not a problem for a membrane. Its the logic of it that escapes me. Convert it to the form that is problematic for you, so that you can use a different process to remove it? How is that logical?

It's another one of those days. I'm glad I went with the approach to this week that I did. Just sit back and wait for the fires to flare up. One did, this pilot report I am re-doing again. If I ever get it into my head to be a consulting engineer will someone please shoot me? No, I'm serious. Please shoot me.

Its snowing here in Watson. Really snowing. I looked out the window a few minutes ago and you couldn't see the train tracks just down the street anymore. That's pretty intense. We haven't had a good blizzard here in Saskatchewan in awhile. At least not anywhere I've been at the time. This would be a good time for one. It would make me grin at being able to leave for the Dominican Republic in the middle of it. :-)

Toodles all!