Saturday, March 15, 2008

It is my opinion that no entity that wishes to go by a name that includes .com at the end, should be allowed to purchase naming rights to a major league sports facility.\
Billy Packer is a fudge packer.

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Flo Rida - Low has got to be the most ANNOYING song on popular radio right now. I hate it!!!
Would I pay $40,100 for a date with Scarlett Johansson?


If $40,100 wasn't a significant portion of my net worth then yes, I probably would spent $40,100 for a date with Scarlett Johansson.
There is nothing, on the face of this earth, that I hate more, than stupid people that wear sunglasses as a fashion accessory, and nothing more.

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Sunday, March 09, 2008

Tonight, I have reached the Level of 69. I feel pretty good about that.
Every so often you run into someone too stupid for words. My opinion on this is far from a serious, scientific examination. However, in my opinion, it seems like girls predominant among stupid people.

I went to Taco Time for lunch yesterday. From some mysterious place I found some motivation and I left the house to run some errands. I was out, and I had a craving, so I thought I'd grab some imitation Mexican food.

Just ahead of me, a couple went into the restaurant. I didn't take much notice of it at that point. But service at Taco Time is very slow, so having made my menu choice I had some time to gawk around.

Please keep in mind that the date was March 8. There is still a good, two feet, of snow on the ground, in most places. The temperature, while mild for the time of the year, was still below zero, or very close to the freezing mark. I'll concede, it felt pretty nice when one was outside. But it felt nice for March, not in general.

This stupid girl was wearing flip-flops. Not sandals, not those stupid rubber Dawg shoes. She was wearing $2.99 Wal-Mart issue flip-flops. What are you, retarded!?! Its freakin' March! It is not the time for god damn flip-flops!

Lord in heaven, what would possess you to be that almighty stupid!?! There's still snow basically everywhere. Yes the roads and sidewalks are mostly melted. But even these are not dry and warm. There's puddles everywhere and its about zero out. Wearing flip-flops is a recipe for cold feet. Which she will undoubtably bitch about when she gets home.

I took my Taco Time bag and headed for home. I felt sorry for the guy that was with this girl. That girl was too stupid for words.