Saturday, November 15, 2003

So I'm going to order a pizza for supper tonight. What's the deal with these restaurants? How can you start at medium? Doesn't the very definition of medium mean, its in the middle?


medium - Something, such as an intermediate course of action, that occupies a position or represents a condition midway between extremes.

You can't start with medium! If you start with medium, that's the small. Its small, medium and large. Not, medium, large, and extra large! Who do you think you're fooling!


Friday, November 14, 2003

We just had a staff meeting. Kind of a weird experience really. People have been very childish lately, getting their feelings hurt by small things, making unintentional slights and examples of overlooking into monstrous transgressions. I stood in the middle of this meeting and had to listen to my boss rail at this people, adults, about how they were being childish. He seemed to be on the verge of a emotional breakdown, as he passionately poured out his heart about what he was trying to accomplish.

It was a little sad to listen to. He's baring his soul for these people, and they can't get past $10, or someone forgetting to say a thank you directly to them, or someone voicing their dissenting opinion in a way that's too strident. There were individuals that actually tried to justify their own reasons for actions, in the face of this passionate appeal for reason from my boss. But their opinions were hollow. It boiled down to a us vs. them mentality and its not fair. They talked about, having votes, versus, one person administrating. Well, you did a whole bunch of stuff, and I never got a vote on any of it. Can you really play the democratic card if you aren't polling everyone?

It all just pisses me off. Why can't grown ups actually act, grown up? One of life's mysteries I suppose.
Blog Song of the Day

Dropkick Murphys - Time to Go

Thursday, November 13, 2003

Blog Question of the Day

Have you ever wanted to microwave yourself, just to see what it feels like?
I didn't blog on Wednesday. Did anyone notice?
Its interesting how things make it around on the internet. A couple weeks ago I got an email from someone that had the tagline of 'Sask Home Security'. It was some polar bears lounging around in the driveway of a house. It was cute so I renamed it 'Manitoba Home Security' and sent it to a couple of friends of mine in Manitoba, as a gentle dig.

To my surprise I got an email this morning. It was the same polar bears, with the 'Manitoba Home Security' tagline that I'd appended to it. Coincidences are strange, aren't they?


Tuesday, November 11, 2003

WTF is going on!?!?!?!?!

Can someone explain this to me? Explain it to me like I'm a three year old, I don't care. Just make it make sense to me!

I'm trying to chat with my friends on MSN. The stupid chat client kicks kicking me off, and alternatively telling me that the service is either unavailable, or too busy. But, BUT, when I click help and it takes me to a web page that displays the current status of the .NET system, it says everything is stable and in service.

How can that be? How can it be stable, and in service if I'm either temporarily unavailable, or too busy? That seems like pretty damn unstable to me.

Death to Microsoft!!!!!

Monday, November 10, 2003

I am mad!

I haven't been this angry in awhile. And as usual, its humanity that has incurred my wrath. I just don't understand. People are so infuriating. I have a real, definite problem, and I can't get anyone to care or help. There is nothing more aggravating to me than when I have a problem, that could have a solution, and people get in the way.

I ripped the last contact lens I have for my right eye, on Saturday. My only other source of eyewear is a pair of glasses that I got when I was about 20 years old, so that's nearly 10 years ago. I never updated them because frankly, I never wear eyeglasses. They're on for about 10 minutes a day, between taking out my contacts and going to bed. Its several hundred dollars for new glasses, and I"m not interested in investing that kind of money for 10 minutes a day.

So I need a replacement contact lense. All I was asking for was ONE lens, to get me by until I could schedule an appointment for an exam, and a new perscription. Could anyone help me out that way? HELL NO!!! The precious rule that my perscription was 'expired' was more important than the fact that I'm blind, more or less, over here. "Oh no, we can't be helping you out and giving you one lens on an expired perscription." Oh, but feel free to drive over here, blind, for an appointment. How does that logic work!?!

Sunday, November 09, 2003

I was listening to a countdown show on the radio, as I drove across the city this afternoon. I heard them mention a new song, by Michael Jackson with R. Kelly. Where did these two guys meet, group therapy!?!