Thursday, July 10, 2003

I did some incredible. The trouble is, the incredulousness of the thing I did is not something you can comment on in polite company. So you get stuck in this horrible situation. You're desperate to tell someone this amazing thing you did, but realize that no one will want to hear about it. I hate that.

I'm off to Montreal! See you all when I get back!!

Something very unsettling happened to me today. I'm not sure if its indicative of anything but, it was a situation that I did not like to have happen. I'm not sure what was going on in my head but it certainly couldn't have been anything good.

I was driving down the main strip in Brandon. I had just left Taco Bell with my usual order of two tacos, a chalupa, and an empanada. I was coming up on a set of lights. I was in the right lane and there was a car stopped up ahead in the left lane. I looked up at the light. I saw that it was red. I remember consciously noticing that the light was red. However, what did no happen was, I didn't associate this with a need to stop. I remember thinking to myself, red means stop, like you're supposed to do. However, what did not happen was, this message to stop, did not get relayed to my body, and I made no effort to stop. I did not 'miss' the light. I clearly saw it, and took note of it. I did not chose to go through it. There was no thought process on my part that said, this light does not apply to me. I simply did not relay the information from seeing the red light, to an action to make my vehicle stop.

This troubles me.


Tuesday, July 08, 2003

Well, its back to the old grind again. This entry is the last thing I have to do today, before shuffling off to Souris again. Stupid site meeting! Oh well, its gotta be done.

Have a great day people. Toodles!

Monday, July 07, 2003

Why do the commercials HAVE to be so much louder than the show you're watching!?!
I just got a final piece of good news to end the day on. We got the job that I spent the morning doing the bid on. That gives us five new contracts to do construction on through the summer/fall season. I am happy.

On hand goes up, the other comes down.

I had to break the bad news to my friends from Winnipeg this morning. I wouldn't be here when they come to visit on the weekend. They were quite disappointed, which in turn made me sad. I don't like disappointing people but there was no help for it in this situation. I am going to Montreal for my baseball trip, and nothing appears likely to derail that. Which I'm happy about. But, at the same time I'm sad about missing the girls when they come to Saskatoon. Life is nothing but a series of trade-offs I guess.

However, as I was breaking my news to the girls, something good was happening. My PDA was being delivered to Saskatoon. I checked the website and it was signed for, at our drop location, just before lunch. So I guess I own a pocket computer now. If I could only get my hands on it now, and play around with it. Wednesday I guess.

Well, for good or for ill, the latest bid proposal is now decided. The tender closed about half an hour ago. I spent all morning, more or less, on the phone with mechanical contractors that were bidding the project. I heard from Murray that the other competitor was way high, so we actually adjusted our price accordingly. I hope we get it and I hope we hear about it soon. It would be nice to get a last job on the slate for the summer/fall.
