Saturday, February 21, 2004

I went to the Sheraton this afternoon. My sister had gotten a room there, to have a party, of sorts, where everyone could go water-sliding and/or hot-tubbing. (Thanks again for inviting me.) It was awesome. I had a great time. We stayed about 2 hours, and really, the only reason we left is, the pool area was swarming with kids by then, and it was getting a little crowded. I could have done more sliding but time was winding down on me. End result is an enthusiastic thumbs up from me.

I was sitting in the hot tub at one point, by myself. Everyone else had either left the pool, or were swimming without me. I was basically just sitting there, minding my own business. I had a sense, and I looked to my left. Just over my shoulder was the head of a little girl. I watched her for about a half second, and then she spit a mouthful of pool water, over my shoulder, and into the hot tub. Her task done, she pulled back, and went back into the wading pool. It was such an absurd moment I could only laugh.

Friday, February 20, 2004

I have just seen the video for 'Hey Ya' by Outkast. I have to admit, I'd heard the song before on the radio. I thought it fair to average, and certainly nothing to get excited about. It turns out that its the No. 1 video on Much Music.

I've seen the video. It is just BRUTAL!!! I haven't seen such crap in a long time. Is there no discerning opinion anymore? Do we just like what we're told to like? That video is the ugliest thing I've ever seen.

But that's just my opinion. I could be wrong.
Greetings from Chaos Central!

Its another day of trials and tribulation here, in the jungles of Central Water. The piranhas are once again nipping at my Achilles tendons. The vicious, ravenous beasts would see to cripple me, as I tread the filthy, crud infested waters of this place.

If only I had a booster pump. 50 horsepower ought to do. Then I could throw so much water, with so much pressure, that no piranha could get near my toes, to nibble at them with little teeth. The mongrelous bastards would have to fight to not be blown from the creek. But I would be safe, and secure. My path through treacherous water would be serene.

But I don't have a 50 horsepower pump. Its broken. It chugs and farts, trying to be might, but failing in abject misery. Thus I am reduced to bludgeoning my enemies with the pump. Wielding it like a giant cudgel, I crush my enemies with its prodigious size. My enemies are strong, they are persistent. More than a single blow is needed to fell them. And once felled, than can be renewed. Thus I face the horrors of an unstoppable mob.

I have grown weary from the battle. I must rest before mounting another charge. May peace be with you, as it has foresaken me now.
Blog Engineering Problem Of The Day:

Can a fluid, in a pipe system, gain pressure as it travels from the inlet of the pipe network to the outlet? (assuming no significant altitude differences)

Thursday, February 19, 2004

Okay, and now for my BIG event!!!

A lot of you like to tease me about my evening meal. In specific, you like to tease me about the fact that I don't actually make an evening meal, but instead just warm something up in the microwave. Well folks, the joke is on you. I made supper tonight!!!

Admittedly, it was not a real ambitious meal. But do I really need an ambitious meal for just myself? I didn't think so.

I made tacos. I know, easy thing to pick. Nonetheless, I made the whole thing. I had no cheese or other toppings, so I made due with salsa. For the seasoning I had, I think I needed more hamburger. I should have thought more ahead but I got this great idea last night and kinda assumed I had everything I needed. I didn't. Plus, my cheese turned. It wasn't pretty. I spared you having to see that.

So, here's the photographic proof that I did, in fact, make my own supper. In your ear people!!!

Tacos 1

Tacos 2

Tacos 3

Tacos 4

Tacos 5

Tacos 6

Tacos 7

Tacos 8

Tacos 9

Tacos 10

Stay tuned to this channel. Tonight, after supper, there will be a BIG event announcement!!!!
Blog Poll Of The Day:

Should I move my email from Outlook Express to Outlook?

Wednesday, February 18, 2004

Why are all the American Pie girls showing up on 'That 70's Show'?
Blog Question Of The Day: Episode Three:

Could I make my own ketchup potato chips?
Blog Question Of The Day: Part 2 - Question Revisited:

What ONE topping can you not have on your pizza?
Interesting turn of events this afternoon in the office of World Wide Water!!

I sold three computers. I like selling computers to my boss. He just calls me into his office and says, I want this stuff. He talks himself around to asking for a quote but, I'll give him that and he'll just okay it. He might as well just say, make me happy, and let Kim see the bill. It will be a multiple thousand dollar sale.

Other news coming out of my bosses office. We are getting a full time salesman. I think my boss wants to semi-retire. He'll still be president, but the operations of the business will be handled by others. We're getting a taste of that this week, because he is on vacation. He can't stay away completely, and spent a few hours here today, but for the most part he's gone.

His being here kind of put into stark perspective that he's best left out of a technical decision. Its not that he doesn't have the knowledge or skill. He definitely has that. But he's not applying it very judiciously. The response to a question is usually to just throw money at it. I needed some advice on membrane scaling and while he had the answer to my question, he didn't follow the logic path to it, but just suggested making random adjustments. I guess I'll have to just figure it out myself.

Anyway, back to the salesman. I'm at once happy about this, and nervous at the same time. I don't like looking over my shoulder. Its just a paranoid reaction, that I wish would go away. I'm sure I'm golden, as a friend is often known to say. I really should look into my paranoid reaction to things.

That's all from my world. Hope things are better in yours. I especially hope that some good things come Greg's way before the end of the day. He's had a nervous week so far, and today's events have not helped much. Be well Greg, and I hope things get better soon.

Toodles all!!!
As of 1:30, on February 18, 2004, my Aeroplan balance sits at 92,686 points.

Now, if I could only figure out what to use my points for?
Blog Question Of The Day:

Should Melissa eat her sandwich for lunch, or do something else?

Response, as always, by the usual method.

Tuesday, February 17, 2004

For those of you that would like to vote on today's blog question, another piece of information to aid your decision. A picture of the aforementioned vehicle.

Sean's white 2000 GMC Jimmy

Okay people, its survey time again!!!

Bloq Question Of The Day:

Should Sean buy the white, 2000 GMC Jimmy SLE?

Things of note, its the mid-range package, with all the features of my 2000 Jimmy, but as its the SLE model, it will have some extra dangles, dingles, bee-bops and whiz-bangs. No leather though, and no sun roof. Mileage is in the 50,000 range. It is white in color, with gold trim. Those are the features I can recall, and the rest escapes my attention.

Please respond as usual. Toodles!

It is my sister Candace's birthday today. All of you that know how to contact her, please do so. Candace is a sweet, and caring soul, and deserves to hear from all of us, on this her special day.

In addition to a birthday gift that I gave her on Sunday evening, I would like to add this public message.

Check this guy's blog out. He's got some really good material.

The Rant King

I am becoming concerned about the state of my office computer. There appears to be something glitchy in the hardware. Today, when I rebooted it, I got performance similar to what occured to me a week and a half ago. It rebooted but then when it switches to Windows desktop resolution, it would reboot itself. At least I know what the problem was this time, and could skip right over the diagnostic phase, and apply the solution.

However, I am still unsettled about why it is behaving in this way. It doesn't seem to be related to anything I've done with the machine, or settings I am making to the main OS environment. It seems to be just 'random' moments of flaky behaviour. I've checked system temps, fans, and the usual indicators of hardware failure, and its not that. I am left with the conclusion that its software based. But I'm getting no errors messages that scream at me 'THERE IS A PROBLEM' so I'm stumped about what to do next.

It seems to work fine, when its working. Leave well enough alone?


Monday, February 16, 2004

Blog Question Of The Day:

Is it okay to count your tips in front of the customer?

Sunday, February 15, 2004

vroom . . . . .VRoom . . . . .VROOM!!!!!

never again