Saturday, January 22, 2005

Well, I guess for one day, I gotta hold my tongue where Microsoft is concerned.

Remember my entry from a week or two ago, about the size of my Hotmail inbox? If you do not, here's the 25 words or less update. I didn't get the free upgrade, so I sent a polite request to Hotmail support, asking for the upgrade.

I didn't think it would get me anywhere. They are weiners, and we're at war. Well, I guess I'm at war but they're not.

I logged into my Hotmail this afternoon. There was one of those monthly newsletters from Hotmail telling me about features and such. This tweaked my mind to check my inbox size. Yup, its 250 MB.

Thank you Microsoft. I've had my issues with you, at many times in our tenuous relationship. But for today, I must be contrite. You deserve my thanks, and I politely give it.

Thank you.

Friday, January 21, 2005

Some people are just idiots.


What we are looking at, in this picture, is an asstard, caught in its natural surroundings. And the natural surroundings for an asstard is . . . out in the real world, PISSING OFF normal people!!!

As I later discovered, we have a girl, on a cell phone, driving up the MIDDLE of Highway 6, in her 20 year old, blue Mustang. While not the 401 in Toronto, it is still a highway, with traffic that would like to go in both directions. And 99.98% of us would like to go more than 50 km/h, even if the conditions are less than optimal.

This kind of arrogant stupidity really gets on my nerves. I was stuck behind this asstard for 20 minutes, as I drove from Raymore to Southey. I could not get by! For the most part she was more on the WRONG side of the road, than the right one. I contemplated passing her on the right, but the crazy moron was also a little unstable with her direction, so I didn't need to have her veering into me, should I make a bold, and non-standard move.

She didn't even more over for oncoming traffic. Maybe a little, but she was putting people coming from the south as close to their ditch as possible, because she wouldn't move off the center line of the road. I know we have laws against killing other humans but shouldn't there be a clause that covered grotesque stupidity!?!

If you need me, I'll be over in the corner, shaking my head.

Thursday, January 20, 2005

For those of you that have ever wondered, what the hell does he do all day, I present:

Roblin's proposed new membrane treatment unit

Wednesday, January 19, 2005

I have found heaven. Remarkably enough, it was in a chicken sandwich.

There is a hidden gem for you to enjoy, should any of my varied readership feel inclined to go slumming, and visit me in Watson. And that jewel is called The Quick Stop. Cliche I know, given the fame (or is it infamy) of the location called The Quick Stop. While different from that popularly known icon, the Quick Stop located in Watson will provide you with a culinary joy that is not often beheld.

Its the food. God damn is it the food! I have used this space before, to speak of the quality to be found in the bacon cheese burger available at my favorite Watson eatery. The burger and fries combination is beyond reproach. I've bought one a week, for a series of weeks that stretch back to last summer. I can't ever seem to get enough.

Which is not entirely true. Burgers on Monday and Tuesday gave way to the feeling of branching off in a different direction today. So I went in and inquired about what they had on the menu for chicken. They rattled off some suggestions but we ended up at a chicken sub.

I try not to exercise hyperbole that often, but in this instance its completely warranted. The chicken sandwich was bordering on orgasmic. Which is saying quite a bit, because I get chicken sandwiches at Subway a lot, and those are always stellar. This one today however, was another set of exponential degrees above Subway. It was fulfilling on more levels than I knew food could achieve.

This is my pledge. My promise to the world is to share the splendor of The Quick Stop. This can not remain a gem, hidden among a bag of sand, that represents the culinary landscape of Saskatchewan. If you are anywhere near Watson, on your travels here, there and everywhere, then treat yourself with lunch at The Quick Stop. Believe me, it will prove worth your detour.
I have to confess, I'm a little shocked.

I actually got a response from my message to Hotmail support. I sent the service as message asking 'can I have the upgrade to a 250 MB inbox'. It took awhile but I got a response.

Now granted, it was an automated response. However, someone had to initiate the automated response, and pick which canned response I would get. It was saluted by someone named Celeste G, so perhaps I will get somewhere with this eventually. Which would be super because, with being on the road all the time, my Hotmail account has become my main inbox.

Here's to hoping this works out eventually!!

Tuesday, January 18, 2005

I made the desperate choice of putting MTV 2 on this evening. It was a desperate choice because frankly, everything else looked worse than this.

Some thoughts on what I'm seeing:

I have just seen the worst video, for the worst song, than I can remember for a long while. Teagan and Sara singing something retarded. Don't give up the day job girls.

Next its Ashlee Simpson. Can someone PLEASE tell me why she's allowed to cavort in pop culture? There is nothing of any merit in the meagre abilities she has to show. And the move to black hair took an appearance that was fair at best, and made it unpleasant. Normally I don't weigh in on hair color issues but black is ALL WRONG for that girl.

Time for solitaire. Toodles all!!
For the record, on those quizzes that get sent around from time to time . . .

you gotta have croutons!!
For those of you that were trying to reach me today (sorry Mom) this is what I was doing that couldn't be interrupted:

New Shop

I designed, and re-drew, the whole thing this morning. This was in between answering the phone, and requests brought right to my office door. Its been an insane day and I will be happy when I can finally get home.

Of course that will be awhile, because I have TWO things I have to finish before I go home tonight. If you need me, I'll be in my office.


Sunday, January 16, 2005

Included below is some third party perspective regarding Cuba, and the problems they are experiencing with providing water.


Maritim Costa Verde Chantal and Ches ~ Ottawa
January 2005

We just returned from a great trip in Holguin!!! Yes, we had water problems, however, the staff was very apologetic and did their best to help and accomodate. In fact, we have received an $800 rebate from the hotel for the inconvenience. The second week we were there, they managed to buy two water tanks and the problem has been rectified. It was very unfortunate that some people were screaming and yelling when there are Holguin residents that have no water at all. You are on vacation. So there is a small temporary problem - make the best of it. It beats the snow and shovelling or worse, working.

This hotel provides the best food in any Cuban resort. They have professional chefs to appease all different tastes. The activities are all the time, anywhere from the beach, to the pool, etc., including archery, pistol shooting, beach olympics, volleyball in the pool and at the beach, snorkeling...I can go on and on, but I have to go back to work tomorrow and must get some sleep. We met some of the greatest people in Cuba, from the staff to the tourists. We brought some toys, jewellery and clothes to give...this is when you learn and appreaciate Cubans. The look on their faces says it all.

We took a small train to Guardavalarca. There was a woman sitting in front of me with a large bag of lollypops. As we passed houses made of straw, the children would be waiting and she threw handfuls to them. There was one little boy in particular about one year old, and his little legs could not carry him fast enough to the road to pick them all up on his hands and knees.

These people cannot eat beef as it is illegal for them to purchase it. If you eat beef in Cuba, please do not waste it. Alot of people pick in their plates and it ends up in the garbage. Such a waste.

The shows are amazing. There is nothing repetitive here. I give you my word. Even though we had water problems, this is a 6 star hotel. We are definetly returning next year. No if and's or but's. I just need to loose the 15 lbs I put on. I cannot stress the quality of the food. Anything you want. We ordered breakfast in the room one morning and they brought 18 different plates full - enough to feed 10 people. I think they figure we are starving in Canada.

We never had so much fun in our lives. Got a great suntan, however, my laugh lines are white. I smiled for two weeks straight. The dolpin tour is a must.

Please go and don't forget to post your feedback!!!