Friday, April 15, 2005

I gotta say something.

I like it when people show initiative, and when you come to them with a problem, they accept it as their own, and help you solve it. That happened to me this afternoon. And I gotta say, I'm damn impressed.

We have, in previously built plants, canisters for holding fabric would filter cartridges. This is for particle filtration. If the particle is larger than 5 microns in size, it won't go through the filter. Or so the theory says.

We've now innovated this. The fabric material has been replaced by stainless steel. The size has been reduced to 4 micron, and its absolute. If you're a 5 micron particle, there's no way in the world you're getting through this cartridge.

The problem however, is the standard manufacturing of these stainless steel filters is such that they are just slightly larger than the fabric ones. And in one particular canister, because stainless won't 'squish', you can't get the fifth cartridge into the canister.

So I phone up the people in Watson that make us these stainless steel filters. The guy I talk to understands my problem, and he has a fix to get us out of this situation. Now, if you phone any ordinary manufacturer, they'd say we could have the fix in a week. My problem is, we just found this out, and we're going back to the place, who's name we do not speak. They happen to have these 5 cartridge canisters. Now this is where they guy saves me ass. No only does he promise to make me some blanks to make the system work, he promises to have them for 10:00 AM Monday morning. Now THAT is service.

If you need stainless steel filters, go to FPS in Watson. They rock.
Doesn't 'spring nuts' sound like something you'd order in an Asian restuarant!?!

Tuesday, April 12, 2005

Seeing as how today is my birthday, I find myself reflecting on how I've changed. Specifically on my mind is the changes that have occurred in my abilities, and how I used to do some things that are now not possible. One of which is sleep, and how much of it I need.

I came home from work a little early today. Usually I'm there until 6:00 at the least. As today is my birthday, I figured I was entitled to an earlier day. By shortly after 5:00 I was at home. Oddly enough, I felt more tired than when I stay later. So I lay down on the bed. 3 hours later I awoke.

Now all of this makes me ask the question.

Blog Question Of The Day:

If I were seriously attempting to, how long could I go without sleep now?

Monday, April 11, 2005

I gotta get something off my chest.

Do people HAVE to wear those irritating sandals that go 'snap-snap' when they walk? That sound is SO irritating. I'm calmly sitting here, minding my own business and all I can hear, resonating within the canyon of my brand, is this horrendous 'whack-whack' noise, as one of the women in my office, walks around.

How can anyone not be annoyed by this? I don't get it. You walk around creating this cacophony of irritation and you're completely oblivious. I don't understand. Don't you FREAKIN' hear that!?!