Saturday, December 11, 2004

I was watching 'Josie and the Pussycats' yesterday, as I drove into Regina. As I did so, an interesting question came into my mind. Now I was driving at the time, so my ability to remember the thought was limited. I have yet to figure out a way, that I like and will use on a continual basis, to record my thoughts as I drive.

(Yes, I've thought of, and had suggested to me, the idea of a voice recorder. I think I sound like a tool whem my voice is recorded, so I have thus far resisted that idea)

Now I am watching 'Chasing Amy'. (thanks Sean!) An infinitely better movie, in my opinion, that yesterday's Josie. However, there is a discussion of Archie comics in 'Chasing Amy' and this has reminded me of last night's question.

Why did they make a 'Josie and the Pussycats' movie, instead of an Archie movie? Considering the creative bankrupcy that seems to exist in Hollywood in the last 10 years or so, is it not odd that no one has put an Archie movie on the screen yet?
Why isn't the enthusiasm of wanting something badly, enough to insure that you will eventually get it?

Friday, December 10, 2004

G&M Word Of The Day:

Blog Survey Of The Day:

MiniDV tapes for my camcorder cost approximately $7.00 a tape.
A full tape transferred to the computer requires approximately 20GB of storage.

Should I use the tapes for long term storage, instead of trying to save all the raw footage on hard drives?
Does anyone use the F11 key!?!
A Friday summary:

I love $100,000 purchase orders.

This headache of mine can take the next bus outta town. I've had enough of its company.

I'm the last person to be chiding other about 'getting excited' but I think there are some people in Manitoba that ought to chill out pretty soon. It'll get fixed, and the world won't end if that takes me a week or two.

And to close . . .


Thursday, December 09, 2004

I'm watching Daredevil tonight. As I watch, an interesting question has come to my mind. Isn't it kind of a cruel irony that someone who is blind, and can't enjoy the vision of a beautiful woman, might end up with one and never know the exquisite joy of seeing her smile?

Wednesday, December 08, 2004

G&M (minus M) Word Of The Day:

Blog Question Of The Day:

How deep does a cut need to be, before you require stitches?

Tuesday, December 07, 2004

Ummmmm God? A word?

God? Yeah, hi. Worshipper Guenther here. Gotta question for ya. Is today indicative of the after-life I can expect in heaven? If so, could I please go to hell?

Alright, I get it. I had the plague coming. You're right, I screwed up, and I deserved that one.

The locusts? A touch much, don't you think? Sure, I kinda punted that one, and I did have something coming, but couldn't the plague have covered both transgressions?

But to top THAT, do we really have to do this insomnia gaffe again? I can't see how I've ever done anything to deserve that. You know how much pain this brings me. Couldn't we have done without that little penalty?

And then you top it off with the events of my Tuesday. That pace you gave me, starting at 6:00 AM and not abating, even a little bit, until 10:30 in the evening. At what point do I get to stop calling you the merciful creator?

And THEN!!! You top off a truly excremental day, with a steaming, stinky, absolutely vile bowl of SHIT! Not poo, or poop, or crap, or excrement. Shit, in its purest, brownest, most complete form. And you roll that in together with some absolutely infuriating plumbing, and an unabating flow of water until I'm bloody near swimming in this putrid, fetid stinking POND that was once my bathroom.

When LORD!?! When the FUCK can your servent, ditch this foul set of circumstances and finally get to know some peace? When Lord when!?! When's gonna be my time!?!?!?!?!

If you need me, I'll be in the shower, trying to wash out the smell.
Six AM songs (that sounded like a good idea at the time)

Ciara - 1, 2 Step
Destiny's Child - Lose My Breath

Monday, December 06, 2004

What the hell is wrong with people? What I am speaking of today is, the behaviour of people on the street. This absolutely baffles me, while simultaneously driving me to a point where I could explode in a fire of furious rage.

There's a traffic disruption on Circle Drive this afternoon. The cops have blocked off one lane. You can tell there's something wrong, because there's 50 cars lined up in the left lane, and the right lane is open. But do the idiots steaming along take the 1/2 second it takes to make the observation that there's a REASON why this is the way it is? OH HELL NO!!! They figure they're the second coming of Irving Genius, and they'll just hope in the right lane and get ahead in the world.


All they prove is, they're idiots. They steam past everyone, get to the cop car, and become stymied in that place. Now by rights they should stay there until the traffic disturbance is cleared but sadly the cop has to wave the idiot in, and they are rewarded for their stupidity.

Why can't these people be hunted for sport?