Tuesday, February 08, 2005

Is it a rule that every new radio song be irritating repetitive? Are they specifically designing new songs so that the chorus becomes burned permanently into your mind? I'm suspicious of this because it makes the songs very appealing when you first hear them. However, after a short exposure time, they get on your damn nerves, and you'd like nothing better than to hear a new one, to push out the old one. Which is then supplied by the industry.

Is there a conspiracy a foot to prevent us from downloading music for free because we get bored with the song before we get around to downloading?
I think I have the perfect example of how screwed up health care is in Saskatchewan.

I fell on the stairs this morning. I slept most of the night on my couch. I logged off the computer at 11:00 with intentions of going to bed. I just wanted to stretch out for a few minutes before going downstairs. I didn't make it down to my bed until 5:30.

But I awoke on the couch, before heading downstairs. I was pretty groggy, which I wanted to keep, so that I'd get back under the veil. Consequently I didn't have all my faculties about me. Which means I didn't remember I had on my new bootie slippers, which like all new sock-like footwear, tends to be slippery.

So I fell down the stairs.

After some consultation with people in the know (thanks Irene) it was decided that I should get myself examined, just in case. I phone the local health clinic.

No appointments available today. I can phone to Quill Lake and see if they have any openings. I cut her off before she could ramble on much farther. I ask the pointed question, where should I go if I need an X-ray. Her response? Go to Quill Lake, and then be sent back to Watson for the X-ray.


Monday, February 07, 2005

Sunday, February 06, 2005

For whoever is taking the count on this, please mark me down for a BOO on getting the same old Canadian Tire ads, as opposed to the million dollar creations our American cousins get to watch.

Who's with me?