Thursday, December 05, 2002

It's done. I almost can't believe that its really finished. All the drawings have been printed, copied, bound and shipped. There is nothing left for me to do. Hooray!

Its really hitting me now. Like a train with the throttle stuck wide open, fatigue is crashing into me. I'm sitting here at my desk and its all I can do to keep my head up. This is not a good situation. I stayed up until 3:30 last night finishing the shop drawings. Staying up that late isn't the end of the world but I was working that hold time. From 8:00 AM unti 3:00 AM the next day. All work, at a flat out pace. I'm spent. Tomorrow is a day off for this dude. At the rate I'm going even the rest of today might be taken with nap time. :-D

Still no jokes to include here. This is bugging me a little. Oh, the jokes I'm reading are funny enough. They make me smile. But there hasn't been a good one that made me burst out laughing. I'm disappointed in the internet's jokester's. They need to get more on the ball.


Wednesday, December 04, 2002

Today I feel I must rant. And for a change its not about work. I have a new beef and this is something that irritates the HELL out of me! So I'm downloading music. As I'm like to do, I'm trying to get a whole album. Its one of those things where its not an artist that I would in any way ever entertain the notion of buying. The person in question today is Jennifer Love Hewitt. Her music is that bubble gum music that I can listen to, and actually crave from time to time, but wouldn't consider buying. I'll buy a Pearl Jam, Tragically Hip or Metallica CD, but music that I listen to only as a diversion I'm not plunking my $15 down for.

But I digress. Somewhat surprisingly the full roster of songs were hard to find. Granted, Ms. Hewitt is a more popular actress than she is songstress but she's mainstream familiar enough that I thought the songs would be easy to track down. Some yes, but the majority no. The title track, Barenaked, was simple to find and I had lots of choices in bit rate, and available copies. The rest I was usually in the range of 3 to 4 download options and one or maybe two bit rates. And some I had one available copy, with multiple people in the queue already. This is the subject of my ire. Okay, fine, I can deal with being in a queue. If its an obscure song, or something hard to find, I don't mind getting in line and waiting for it. But this is the thing that galls me to the core. You finally get your turn to download and the person has a slow transfer rate. Not a huge deal but you can just guess that this person has a slow rate because they're a bandwidth hog. Fine, so you wait your half an hour or longer to download the song. Then you get to 98 or 99% and the little bastard cuts you off! So you have almost the whole thing but if you want to finish it, you have to get back in the queue and wait again, for maybe hours. That is so irritating! And you can tell they did it on purpose because you do a new search and the only available copy is from the same person. What possesses a person to act like that? That's beyond rude to a place I don't even have a word. It's moments like these when you feel a really strong, powerful urge to choke the life out of another human being. Not because its such a terrible thing to have happen to you, but the act was done with some obvious malice. Some people have no class.


Tuesday, December 03, 2002

I gotta hurry if I want to get this blog entry in, in time to be considered a Tuesday entry. I'm slowly winning the battle against this project I'm on. We had a casualty in the war today. I'm not going on the road to oversee the pilot test. There's too much for me to do in the office yet for that to happen. It's 11:15 and I'm still in the office trying to straighten out the various threads of this effort. Every step forward I take results in a step backward too. For every problem I solve, I create another new one. I end up not moving forward but sliding sideways endlessly. I can't even begin to guess how many times I've revised this schematic diagram, or how many editions of the spec sheet I've editted. I'd pull out my hair if I had any!

One thing I've noticed that has been lacking in my blog entries is jokes. I guess I'm just not finding a whole lot funny from my repository of daily jokes. I get 200 pieces of spam a day, including joke messages and nothing is blowing my skirt up. What does that say about the staleness of the world joke collection? I will continue my search though. I still love my Jesus/chicken joke. Nail him to a chicken. LMAO!!!


Monday, December 02, 2002

Sorry for the lack of posts lately. Most of you probably know the reason already. I'm being snowed under by my assignments at work. Its been flat out on projects every day for a week now. I don't even have time to breathe. All areas of my life are suffering. I HOPE with every ounce of my fiber that I'm getting close to the end of this flurry of activity. If things go well tonight maybe I'll be able to take a breath or two over the rest of the week.

While I'm thinking of it, I've got a new pet peeve. What is the deal with convenience stores and their coolers? I've been on the road a lot lately, and I've been stopping in at this little shoppes to get myself a refreshment. A lot of the time its been a search for a caffeine fix to keep my eyes open. But I digress. I'll go into one of these stores, pick my beverage of choice and grab a swish from the bottle. I don't know, maybe I'm alone in this. I like my drinks cold. Perhaps its just me and I'm quirky in this respect. Somehow though I don't think I am. Why the hell is it that you can't get a COLD drink from a convenience store? The damn bottle is always just shy of warm. Its never warm when you buy it but about 5 minutes later it is. That annoys me. Would it be so bloody hard to turn the refrigerator's down a couple of degrees and keep the cold beverages actually cold?

Just something I thought of this week. Toodles!