Tuesday, November 26, 2002

Hello world. How's it goin'? I've come to watch your flowers growin'.

I just read a story about genetic engineers trying to create a blue rose. Apparently this is a very hard thing to accomplish. It makes me think about stuff. Which is never a good idea because thinking about things only gets me in trouble. But I've been doing a lot of thinking, about a lot of things, today. My mind is very active today. I have no particular answer as to why.

Anyway, back to the rose. These scientists are trying to create a blue rose. This is difficult because the rose has no gene to allow blue pigment, which should thus make it an impossible attempt. But in strides genetic engineering! As the story went, some geneticists have found a human enzyme that turns stuff blue. They tried it on some bacteria and made it go blue so they figure they might be able to make the rose grow blue too. They have had limited success so far, having only accomplished making some blue spots appear on the stems. But what I can't understand is, why is anyone wasting valuable time on this? And why is it okay to waste time, money and effort on something frivolous like the color of the rose, and yet such an enormous hue and cry is raised when genetic engineering is used to try and improve our food sources. This makes no sense to me. Personally I would rather see genetic engineering create a bigger, juicy apple then make a blue rose. Not that a blue rose wouldn't be pretty. I just question whether there should be people dedicating their careers to this pursuit.
