Saturday, August 11, 2018

Connexion Francaise (2018-08-11)

La Connexion Francaise

endroit = in law
éveillé = awake
cligner = wink/blink
biper = bleep
ronronner = purr
serrer = tighten
foulard = scarf
aumônière = chaplain
aussitôt = immediately
apaisantes = soothing
assoupie = dozing
convenablement = properly
lent = slow
aveuglante = blinding
crâne = skull
entrechoquer = clash
tinter = tinkle

Dénombrement en français

La fumée de le ouest a arrivé.  Ce n'est pas confortable respirer.

Friday, August 10, 2018

Today I Learned . . . (2018-08-10)

Today I Learned . . .

Chloroform, bromoform and dibromochloroform (species of trihalomethanes (THMs)) are not considered genotoxic carcinogens according to the World Health Organization (WHO) Guidelines on Drinking Water Quality (GDWQ).

(note: that was a lot of acronyms)

Blog Question Of The Day (2018-08-10)

Blog Question Of The Day 

What goes through someone's mind when they are getting a tattoo on their butt?

What obligation does someone have to stay to the end of the day when they are the last person in the office by a long margin?

Connexion Francaise (2018-08-10)

La Connexion Francaise

debout = standing
déçue = disappointed
enjeu = stake
avaler = swallow
attraper = catch
inonder = flood
entasser = heap
banc = bench
hayon = hatch
furibond = apoplectic
tressauter = jump

Dénombrement en français

C'est chaud et vent dehors cet après-midi.

Thursday, August 09, 2018

Today I Learned . . . (2018-08-09)

Today I Learned . . .

I determined that I have logged 15,540 data points on my life so far in 2018.  That is an average of approximately 70 measurements/recordings daily.

Blog Question Of The Day (2018-08-09)

Blog Question Of The Day 

What is appropriate first-aid for a blown hamstring?

The Daily Affirmation (2018-08-09)

The Daily Affirmation

We won both slo-pitch games and I hit an in-the-park home run.

NOTE: I would have had a second one but I blew a hamstring rounding first.

Connexion Francaise (2018-08-09)

La Connexion Francaise

secouer = shake
tracasser = bother
serrure = lock
fouiner = snoop
bouleverser = upset
cauchemar = nightmare
ahrgneux = fractious
faufiler = sneak out

Dénombrement en français

J'ai moins de l'inquiet ce aujourd-hui.

Wednesday, August 08, 2018

Blog Question Of The Day (2018-08-08)

Blog Question Of The Day

What's a person supposed to feel like when they have idea how to solve a problem?

The Daily Affirmation (2018-08-08)

The Daily Affirmation

The iMac has been fixed and the charge for the work is less than I would have considered reasonable.

My Johnny Manziel Allouettes jersey has shipped.

Not only was the iMac fixed but the technician also did the basic OS install!

Connexion Francaise (2018-08-08)

La Connexion Francaise

terni = tarnished
trier = sort
auaparavant = previously
gosses = kids
eux = them
effrayant = scary
quiconque = whoever
surlendemain = two days later

Dénombrement en français

Je suis heureux que mon ordinateur est fixé.

Tuesday, August 07, 2018

Connexion Francaise (2018-08-07)

La Connexion Francaise

meurtriere = murderer
espoir = hope
avenir = come up

Dénombrement en français

Je suis en colere comme un meurtriere.

Monday, August 06, 2018

Act of Caring (2018-08-06)

Act of Caring 

I made the effort to check on London Drugs' capacity to fix the iMac since I was at the mall.

Blog Question Of The Day (2018-08-06)

Blog Question Of The Day 

Does the grey in my beard make me look like an unwashed hobo?

The Daily Affirmation (2018-08-07)

The Daily Affirmation

The iMac is getting a new hard drive with a minimum of fuss.

I hit all my online goals for the day.

Today I Learned . . . (2018-08-06)

Today I Learned . . .

There is a lot of grey in my beard.

The electrical outlet by the breaker panel is linked to the one for the washing machine.

Connexion Francaise (2018-08-06)

La Connexion Francaise

peupliers = poplars
sillonner = furrow
carnet = book
sirotant = sipping
pencher = lean
taquiner = tease
éclabousser = splash
éloignée = remote
répandre = spread
nier = deny

Dénombrement en français

Tout de ma famille semble bien ce matin.

Sunday, August 05, 2018

Act of Caring (2018-08-05)

Act of Caring 

I spent some time today doing lawn care.

The Daily Affirmation (2018-08-05)

The Daily Affirmation

I won fantasy baseball this week and should no longer be in last place.

I found my missing head cover when I went to the golf course on Saturday.

Connexion Francaise (2018-08-05)

La Connexion Francaise

rencontrer = meet
soupirer = sigh
châle = shawl
tellement = so much
abattre = tear down
cible = target
téméraire = reckless
inconnue = unknown
oter = remove

Dénombrement en français

Zoe semble plus heureux depuis notre promenade.