Friday, August 20, 2004

I currently have 18 windows open on my computer desktop, and I am making a useful purpose out of each one.

Thursday, August 19, 2004

Blog Poll Of The Day:

Should I add a number and lettering to my Saskatchewan Roughriders jersey?
I don't do this often but someone sent me this link, and rather than emailing it to 97 different people, and try to remember all the people I want to send it to, I figured I'd just put it in the blog, since everyone I know reads that anyway. (or at least I think you all do)

Wait for the web page to load and then pass your mouse over the image a few times.

<>Finally, leave the mouse over the nose of the image. This website won first prize in the Phillips Digital Arts Festival.

Wednesday, August 18, 2004

Blog Question Of The Day:

If you are a male, and on an Olympic swim team, and having to wear one of those spandex suits, to eliminate drag in the water, would you 'stuff' your suit?
I would like to take this opportunity to introduce you to a new friend of mine. His name is:


I found Bruce this morning when I came to work. My assistant had purchased him for me, while she was taking a day off yesterday. I was immediately surprised, and happy to have recieved him.

We've had an influx of animals to my office lately. Some weeks ago my assistant brought a fish for her own desk. I liked to stop by and see how he was doing. He was an orange fish. I named him Harvey. The fish didn't seem to mind. Then my boss brought his fish and turtles to the office, as he is in the process of moving and the new house isn't ready for pets, while the old house must be vacated now. More fun things to amuse the eyes and mind.

Now I have a fish. I was very appreciative to have gotten him. My desk didn't really need more stuff for it, but I made room for Bruce. He will keep me company as I toil away on my late nights and boring afternoons. I will have to learn how to care for him. I've never had a pet that was completely my own. This is going to be great!

If you want to welcome Bruce, contact him or I by the usual methods. He's still pretty shy, and likes to hide in the plant in his bowl. Slowly he's getting more adventurous. He peeks out for a few minutes, and then goes back into hiding. Should Bruce do anything monumental, I'll blog about it.


Tuesday, August 17, 2004

I have something to say!!!

What the hell is wrong with SaskTel? I really don't understand this. At home in Saskatoon I've had high speed internet for 7 years. In that time I've had outages and problems on only two or three times. All were quickly and expeditiously resolved. So what the hell is the problem in Watson!?!

We had ANOTHER major outage. However, it didn't go completely down. For 3 or 4 hours it was, worse than dial-up, slow. Down on your knees, begging for salvation, slow. It was horrible. You never really appreciate how much you rely on the internet until it dies a slow, painful death like mine in the office did this afternoon.

The question remains. Why? Its freakin' Watson!!! It can't be an overloaded demand thing. What demand!?! Its freakin' Watson!!! This pisses me off. What pisses me off even more is the fact that I can't do anything about it. There's no, switch to Shaw, option. Sasktel is the only service that has a static IP address that we need for the accounting software. We're screwed.

If you see a SaskTel van on the street today, please give them the finger. SaskTel pisses me off.

Monday, August 16, 2004

Blog Question Of The Day:

What is the next great adventure of your life?

I think I think about these questions to much. I have this impression that the key to living a happy life is to not think about life so much. Everyone thinks about life. I know that. But it appears to me that pondering any part of life too deeply tends to create this uncomfortable psychological malaise that is not easily escapable. The person in question tends to get so wrapped up in what they are thinking about that the little moments in life pass you buy, and you forget to notice and appreciate them. Too much time spent alone in one's head can not be good for you.

Nonetheless I am pondering this question. Where am I going next? What's going to be the next story that is written in the book that is my life. I wish I knew, but in knowning I would lose the splendor that comes from finding something by surprise.

I need to relax more. Take my own damn advice and not think so much.

Good night my friends, family and loved ones. Have the greatest day that you can.