Thursday, August 24, 2006

Its a pretty good indication that the concert is a stinker when you're sitting in the middle of the opening act and you can't stop from yawning with the deepness of the Pacific Ocean.

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Have you ever completely unwrapped a Mr. Big chocolate bar and set it on the table naked. It really does look like a turd.

Monday, August 21, 2006

Blog Question Of The Day:

Why are the little white pills always the hardest ones to keep in your hand?

Sunday, August 20, 2006

I know I just did this one a few weeks ago, but it bears mentioning again based on my experiences this weekend. I am truly in disbelief about something and would dearly love if someone could explain it to me.

What in the HELL is the deal with flip flops!?!

Personally, I find them more irritating that a tick bite inside the ear. I couldn't possibly fathom wearing the accursed things for any length of time. There is absolutely no way I would consider wearing these blasted things on my feet if I had to do any kind of walking.

But here I was, at the air show, and I couldn't stop looking at people's feet. I'm not sure why it started, or what made the compulsion persist, but my over-riding pre-occupation was to gauge what people were wearing on their feet. And there was an appalling percentage of people (mostly young girls I will admit) that were wearing these stupid flip-flop shoes.

My feet are raw tonight, and I was driving, or riding, a Kawasaki Mule most of the day. These idiotic people were wandering around the uneven infield of the Saskatoon Airport in these stupid pieces of cork they call shoes. How can you possibly fathom doing that much walking on something as insignificant as a $0.99 pair of shoes?

At one point I found myself inside the main concession tent with little else to do but wait. And my foot checking compulsion was in full effect. The girls providing the food service were wearing flip-flops! What the hell kind of asinine choice is that? There's any one of a dozen things that could fall on your foot when you're working in that environment, and you've got nothing covering an essentually bare foot. Let us not forget that again, you're spending multiple hours standing, serving people, wearing nothing on your foot to cushion it from the hard reality of our mother earth but a cheap, Taiwanese manufacturer piece of plastic cork-board. I can't help but question the reasoning power of a person that would make this choice.

If anyone knows the answer to the irresistable lure of the flip-flop I would certainly like to know. Without this crucial piece of wisdom, I am forced to continue my shaking head at the lunacy.