Saturday, December 10, 2005

I'm willing to beg now.

Is there anyone that will travel with me to Las Vegas?
I know its late but I just can't get passed this.

Why would ANYONE give a rat's ass about Paris Hilton?
Blog Theology Of The Night:

What if God doesn't exist, but the Devil does?

Thursday, December 08, 2005

I swear I will never understand Wal-Mart.

I just wanted some pop. A nice, easy and should have been quick trip into the store for ONE itme. But nothing about Wal-Mart can be quick, easy or painless.

First of all I can't find the god damn pop. Every other bloody Wal-Mart in the world looks exactly like all the rest. This one had to have the damn grocery section off in a different spot. FINE, whatever. So I get the pop. Not without having to maneuver around idiots in shopping carts. (Don't EVEN get me started on shopping carts. People that come to the mall in the winter and get a shopping cart JUST for their coat drives me right up the wall) So I want to pay for my purchase and get the hell out of Dodge. Can that be simple? HELL NO!!! Its bloody Christmas season and true to form Wal-Mart is skimping on the staff and every singe line is 4 deep with idiots buying a month's worth of supplies.

Do you know what I actually heard someone say, as I was hunting for the pop. I'm going to have to paraphrase a little as the exact comment eludes me but it went something like this. "But its 4 cents cheaper her then at Shoppers' FOUR CENTS CHEAPER!?! Is your world going to be that rocked that you can price shop for FOUR cents? Come on people. Buy the crap and go home. Wal-Mart is evil.