Saturday, November 13, 2004

I made note of something this evening.

We have gin available, for that very rare bird that wants it. That doesn't happen very often. Nonetheless we have some at our bar (or what passes for a bar in a sports arena) The common reference to it is to call it 'liquid panty remover'.

The particular brand of 'liquid panty remover' we have right now is Beefeater. Is this just a coincidence?

Interesting . . .
New from the world of wacky coincidences:

My credit card balance right now is exactly, $999.99.

Friday, November 12, 2004

My fish died today.

His water was looking a little murky. It has for awhile actually, but I picked Friday as the day to clean his bowl. I did all the same stuff as always. Got a bowl. Filled it with permeate water. I used the room temperature tap, so he wasn't getting shocked. Filled as high as I could, then put him in. He was agitated as always, when I took him out of his bowl, but he swam around excitedly once in the temporary bowl. I started the process of cleaning his real home.

About halfway through the bowl cleansing, I took a look at my fish again. He wasn't moving. At all. I nudge the bowl, to get him to wave his fins. Nothing. He was completely dead, without possibility of revival.

I am now sad. I liked my fish. It was fun to watch him swim around in his bowl, on my desk. I could tap the glass and watch him swim when the vibrations stirred his water. He'd come to the front of the tank, and watch me for awhile. It always made me smile.

I know, its just a fish. I do, however, feel a faint urge to cry. I probably won't, but that swollen feeling that you get around your eyes, just before you start crying, is tinging my consciousness as I write this.

I don't know what I did wrong. I must have done something, because he died only after I moved him from his home. Was it the bowl? Was it moving him? (but he survived the move before) Was it the water? (I used 'pure' water, the same as always) I just don't know. I am a fish killer. I don't like knowing that.


Thursday, November 11, 2004

How am I supposed to take a spam message seriously when they can't even get the spelling right on a word as simple as 'grand'?

Wednesday, November 10, 2004

Tuesday, November 09, 2004

Somebody needs to explain this to me, right away. I'm about to blow an O-ring here with irritation.

I have a little package of M&M's that I want to eat. This is one of those snack-sized M&M packages that come out around Halloween, for inclusion in children's candy hordes.

How the hell is a kid supposed to get into these? The package is sealed better than Fort Knox!!! I'm going insane trying to pull it apart, and I can't do it. And I'm a full grown adult! How's a kid supposed to get this open?

That's it! Where's the ginsu!?!
Blog Question Of The Day:

It is my intention to buy a deep freeze in the near future. (1-2 weeks) How large of a unit should I purchase?
Today is the perfect example of why I am against the use of virus protection software. If you give someone a program, and tell them that it will prevent viruses from getting onto their computer, they assume that its infallible.

Viruses, and virus protection programs, are all created by humans. For every virus written by a human, another human must write the code to block it. Despite the euphemistic term we've stolen, to describe the situation, what we have here is software written by people, for people, and abused by people. Your computer is not sentient. It does not know a good program from a bad one. As well, the software you buy to protect yourself is not sentient. It can not tell a good program from a virus. You, or someone who wrote it for you, is giving the software rules for allowing, or disallowing the execution of a program. The virus program does not know right from wrong, good from evil. It only knows the rules you've given it. Thus it is as completely under your control as a game, a spreadsheet, or a word processor.

This happens all the time. People get viruses and without fail they say, but I have a virus blocker!?! And it with that plaintive cry of the righteous victim. Yes, you got a virus. Yes, you got a virus despite having an anti-virus program. I can almost guarantee it will happen again, if you don't learn from this experience of getting a virus on your computer. Bottom line is, YOU control your computer. It does not control itself. If you want to prevent getting viruses, don't do stupid things. Don't open weird attachments in your email. Don't assume every joke that is sent your way, is safe. Don't click pop-ups on your desktop. Dont, DON'T, DON't!!! assume you are safe because you have anti-virus software.

The most effective, and easy method of preventing the spread of computer viruses, or becoming infected yourself is by, NOT BEING A STUPID PERSON!!!!!

Monday, November 08, 2004

Do you think the SaskTel mail server admin gets mad when I bang the Send/Recieve button about 50 times in a row?

Sunday, November 07, 2004

In honor of today's win by the Riders I am having a mug of green Kool-Aid. Who's with me?