Saturday, February 25, 2012

Blog Question Of The Day:

1. Should I go buy 'French For Dummies' tomorrow?

2. Should I buy online more?
The Daily Affirmation:

1. Hit my revised target, and now weigh 190 lbs.

2. The hot tub levelling project went better than expected and I can probably sit in it before the end of the afternoon

3. Had a good time attending a Blades game with Greg

4. Got home from the Blades game just in time to rescue myself from a basement covered in water, as the hot tub was deflated and in imminent danger of going over the wall

Friday, February 24, 2012

Blog Question Of The Day:

1. Am I being played?

2. What am I going to do with all these milk crates?

3. Should I buy a Blackberry Playbook?
The Daily Affirmation:

1. Playing ice hockey felt very good today

2. Really grateful to my family and friends for support at my ball hockey team's fundraiser

3. It was completely awesome how Bruce bought three raffle tickets, and won three prizes

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Blog Question Of The Day:

1. Why can't equipment suppliers make 3D models of their equipment freely available?
The Daily Affirmation:

1. After multiple weeks mired in last plast in my hockey draft, I moved up to tied for 4th last night

2. Lunch at the Esso was excellent

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Scenes From The Bar:

1. Early thirties, appearing to be single, guy is standing at the bar, in the line for the prettiest bartender in the building. He is third in line behind two other people. Fourth guy walks up and points out there there is a completely empty line next to the pretty girl's queue. The 30-ish guy waves him aside and chooses to stay in the 3-deep line.

The guy that was trying to provide the advice skips to the empty bartender and gets his drink served and is gone, before the waiting dude even advances forward one spot in his line.

2. Grey bearded portly man comes up to the bar. He is looking around, appearing to be trying to figure out what to order. After much searching he asks generically for a "beer". When prompted for which kind, and prompted to study the display case, he reviews the displayed bottles intently for at least 2 seconds. He response after all of this studious examination is to ask for "Great Western", the only brand that is in the case.
The Daily Affirmation:

1. In looking through 10+ years of old editions of the Professional Edge, I am amazed at the positive improvement that I have helped to bring to it.

2. Got to work with my favourite girl at CUC tonight
Blog Question Of The Day:

1. What specifically do I need to change, to accomplish my goal of being more successful?

2. Should I acquire a more impressive vehicle?

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

The Daily Affirmation:

1. Getting a new soccer card was quick, easy and painless, making it possible for me to play tonight

2. My favorite line from the book I just finished, "We owe it to the worms and the trees that the buildings we cover them with will stand as promises of the highest and most intelligent kinds of happiness"

3. Got a nice little message from my sister regarding her birthday present

4. Found a miraculously good parking spot at the soccer centre

5. Have a function hot tub again
Blog Question Of The Day:

1. What do people keep telling me to do things that are categorically impossible for me to do?

2. Why is what I find visually appealing different from what I want for myself?

Monday, February 20, 2012

Blog Question Of The Day:

1. Is there a fast way to scan a whole bunch of photos?

2. Where can one buy an inexpensive but utilitarian photo album?

3. Should I throw away everything on the work bench in my basement that was here when I moved in?
The Daily Affirmation

1. The new hot tub control box is here!

2. I finished another of the books I got for my birthday a couple of years ago, which was a goal

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Blog Question Of The Day:

1. What one thing would you most like about being rich?

2. Where is my water bottle?
The Daily Affirmation:

1. Finished the cost estimate by lunch!

2. Completed a preliminary version of the proposal with half a weekend remaining

3. Have a very solid performance as the Shockers win 4-2 in Sunday ball hockey action