Saturday, October 21, 2006

I've had enough!

I still and watch TV at night. And every night I'm subjected to the same damn thing. I'm sick of it. It has to go.

I'm referring to this Rogers Wireless commercial. The guy is with his buddies at a diner. He's on the phone with his girlfriend. And in a touching moment he goes to end the conversation and says 'I love you.' Then there is this awful, pregnant pause as he waits for her response.


After going all mooshy in the knees, the girl replies that she loves him too. All of the tension in the overly dramatic pause is gone, and everyone is happy again.

Except me.

I hate this commercial so much. If the damn girl cared at all about the guy, she wouldn't pause for 2/3 of a standard 30 second commercial before answering her supposed 'love'. And damn Rogers for subjecting us to such overwrought hystrionics.

Bring on the beer commercials.

Thursday, October 19, 2006

WoW Question Of The Day:

If you quit the game with the Sword of 1000 Truths in your inventory, does it cease to exist?

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Things That Piss Me Off:

Do you know what pisses me off? These idiots that go to the gas station and can't figure out how to park at the pump. I go into my favorite gas station tonight, to put a few bucks worth in the tank to tide me through until the end of the week. The place is busy and there's one spot empty for me to fill at. I pull into position and why do I find?

This idiot has parked nearly perfectly between the two pumps, such that I can only barely get my handle to the back of my truck where the tank is.

I hate that! Park with some danm courtesy. Someone would like to use the pump behind your wide-load ass!!

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Well, this is interesting!

I now have a pet. Its a cat. A little black one. She arrived on my doorstep courtesy of my sister. Actually, I was already familiar with this little kitty because she vacationed at my house the week my sister and her husband were in Mexico on their vacation. I guess she must have liked it here because she's come back.

Its a little tough to know right now what my new little buddy is thinking. Even though she spent the week here before, she's scooting around the house right now, checking things out. Hopefully she'll come out of her shell before long and we can play together.

Originally the cat's name was Simon. Then the original owner discovered it was not a male cat. Oops! But the name stuck. I have decided to alter it just a touch and re-christen the cat Simone. A girl cat should have a girl name.

I'm going to go back to chasing Simone and see if I can get a fix on how she's feeling. Everyone say HI to Simone!!

Monday, October 16, 2006

Blog Question Of The Day:

Can someone please tell me why they are playing a Raisin Bran commercial from 1982 during tonight's Monday Night Football game!?!