Saturday, August 28, 2004

Blog Question Of The Day:

If I was running for public office, would you vote for me?
Blog Trivia Of The Day:

I have been blogging for 94 weeks.
For those of you contemplating a Christmas gift for yours truly, here is something I found on the internet that I would just LOVE to have!

Bell AH-1Z

Friday, August 27, 2004

Blog Survey Of The Day:

Does my writing style include too many words, or employ too many obscure phrases, such that it is difficult or irritating to read?

Respond as always.
The cost of phone service, and high speed internet from SaskTel, delivered to a resident in rural Saskatchewan, is a minimum of $89.29.

Thursday, August 26, 2004

Today on Grant's Rants we are going to take a walk down memory lane. I am going to post a couple pictures to the world today, and we'll see if any of you remember the people depicted in these images. Sorry goes to my Mom, and more to Candace (because I know she's going to spawn a cow when she finds out I put her picture on the internet). If I know my Dad at all, I don't think he's going to care.

Award (2004)

Wedding (2004)

Today's trip down memory lane was cued by a conversation I was having with Melissa the other day. I don't recall the exact reason why we ended up on the topic of body weight, but it came up for some reason. I made the comment that I'd once weighed (as an adult) 134 pounds. She was a little incredulous of that, and I promised to prove it. Well, this is me proving it.

My mom mailed me these photos yesterday. They are shots taken of me from when I was 18, so in 1992. I didn't even recognize the guy in the picture as me, at first. Especially in the 'award' photo. I had no exterior reference for it. (Other than I recognized the coat and the T-shirt). The 'wedding' picture reminded me of me more, but probably only because I was with my family.

To answer the question of how I was that skinny then, and not even close to skinny now, I will sum it up in a few words. I was sick, in an mental and emotional way. I was not making good decisions. I was in a bad, ugly, desperate state of mind that did not want to respond to stimuli. I was wrapped in my inner pain, and I couldn't escape. I think I'd have qualified for an anorexic diagnosis, had that been my only concern. There were, unfortunately, far more difficult, and potentially tragic forces at work, such that we kind of ignored the weight thing. The fact that we did ignore it, is a testimonial to how messed in the head I was. While I may be 80 pounds heavier now, I would suggest I am far more healthy.

Wednesday, August 25, 2004

Show of hands people!

Who thinks I should buy the 10,000 BTU Danby window air conditioner for $320?
Blog Question Of The Day:

Why do people cheat on the person they love?
Okay! I get it! I like my lettering to be small. We can stop talking about it now.

Tuesday, August 24, 2004

I have a question.

How can the Hotmail server be too busy? Wasn't Microsoft the one that wanted everyone to do their online experience by virtual of their Passport service? How then can the server be 'too busy' when the Passport idea kind of fell apart? Did they sell off all the server space they'd planned to do this service on?

Further to that, how can the Hotmail servers be 'too busy'? Correct me if I'm wrong but isn't there more Hotmail email addresses than there are people on this planet!?! If you know, I mean KNOW, that you are the single largest provider of free email accounts, how then can you allow yourself to fall into a position where your servers are 'too busy'?

I don't get this. I don't understand. Explain it to me like I'm a three year old. How can Hotmail be 'too busy'?

Monday, August 23, 2004

You know what?

Screw all you guys. I'm going to bed.

Can someone please tell me when Saskatchewan was re-located to Malaysia!?!
G&M's Word Of The Day:

Blog Question Of The Day:

Why are there so many weird bitrates on MP3's available for download?
We will begin today with a question. The answer to this question should be self-explanatory. However, in typical human fashion, people have done things that defy logic such that we get the situation we have here, a ridiculous situation.

Why would you take your baby, or pre-schooler, to an air show?

I just don't understand these stupid people. An air show is, by definition, going to be loud. And you decide that a day in the grassy infield of an international airport is a great place for the family. Grab a bloody brain!!!

I sat and watched this retarded behaviour, all afternoon yesterday. (I am omitting the diatribe I was GOING to post last night, about the cacophony of sound I put up with yesterday afternoon. And no, it wasn't from the planes. I decided my blog didn't need that many consecutive epithets and I did not post it)

These jet-engine planes are screaming through the air. And screaming is a good approximation of the sound because its wicked loud. Babies are cued to cry. No wait, not cry. They howled. They poured out their hearts is futile, burning passion. The noise of these brutalized babies was nearly enough to drown out the jet planes. However they could not, because the sound of a jet plane is way to prodigious to erase with a babies cry. But they did their best. And they did this because they were in pain. Yes Mom and Dad, the babies were in PAIN!!! You can't do that to the little people. They just aren't able to handle it. It overwhelms them and of course they cry. Why kind of idiot subjects their new-born person to that!?!