Thursday, October 20, 2005

I have determined that RC Cola goes down WAY too easy.
I have spent the day contemplating my personality and what makes me who I am. After long hours of thought I have decided what is my most significant failure.

I don't finish the things that I start.

Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Yesterday was a screwed up day. I got possession of my house. After the long, arduous battle it finally became mine. Then I was at once both excited and terrified. I muddled my way through it somehow and started moving.

That was a weird experience too. I didn't have a plan for it. I just walked into a room full of clutter, started rifling things into a box, and hauled it over. In a more detached frame of mind I can see how that isn't the most efficient way to accomplish the task. But I wanted to DO something, and just stuffing boxes wasn't going to satisfy me. So I packed, and hauled and repeated. Then I took a look around my new house and nearly had a heart attack. How am I going to fit everything into this tiny little place!?!

It looks a little better today. I took some stuff out of boxes and put it on shelves. Even that wasn't very orderly and I can make it more tidy. I have more hope today, then I had yesterday, that I can make this new place work. But its not going to be a walk in the park. I'm going to have to trim and be ruthless in what I keep and what I discard. I don't have the space I had before. Maybe when I build the addition I can expand but that's probably not happening until the spring.

Its going to be a crowded winter.

Monday, October 17, 2005

Blog Question Of The Day:

Should I buy a baseball game for my XBox?

Sunday, October 16, 2005

I learned something about myself tonight. I don't stand out in the front where everyone can see me. I am much more comfortable hiding in the shadows, spewing venom in the form of acerbic commentary.

I think my attitude needs adjustment.