Saturday, December 20, 2008

Do you know what I would really like to get for Christmas, that wouldn't even be that expensive?

The movie 'The Hunt For Red October' on DVD.

Friday, December 19, 2008

Blog Word Of The Day:

I think there should be a tattoo (and/or piercing) board to which you have to submit your body modification choice. There are some people out there that are making some horrendous choices.

I went to Princess Auto the other day. I'm not going to going into the whole laundry list of body modification mistakes this girl was making. She was probably around 20-22 years old, so it was a pretty long list for someone that young. The most egregious choice however was an Enormous tattoo of the Pilsner rabbit on her left forearm.

One should never, EVER proclaim their beer choice with a tattoo. That is ESPECIALLY true if you believe in Pilsner.

Pilsner is moose piss.

Thursday, December 18, 2008

This is the funniest asshole you will ever see:

Do you know what pisses me off? Costco idiots.

These arrogant bastards make the left turn into Costco, and there is CLEARLY no room in the roadway into the parking lot for them. Clearly no room. This is evident to the point that, the person ahead of them has their rear axle still in the street. So what does said Costco idiot do? Why he pulls his Ford F-250 in behind the mini-van ahead.


Heaven god forbid this jack-a-tard doesn't get to Costco to buy a pallet of mayonnaise for $378.56 (a 0.59/lb bargain). Yes I should have to come to a grinding halt on a major Saskatoon roadway so Captain Nigglenuts can get in line to go to the most ANNOYING god damn store on the planet.

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

I gotta be honest about something.

In this new video - "Single Ladies (Put A Ring On It)"

Beyonce looks a whole hell of a lot like a transsexual

Monday, December 15, 2008

Random acts of stupidity that I witnessed tonight:

London Drugs has a product in their flyer, and a display model on the shelf, but no versions of it in their inventory. WTF!?!

Some jackass at Canadian Tire is so arrogant that he parks in front of the damn shopping carts, with the vehicle idling, while he shops. I went in, bought my stuff, gawked around at other stuff, came out and the moron was will running in the parking lot. Good for him that gas is half the price it was this summer.

I go to Extra Food for groceries and the cashier girl has adopted the style of urban males and her pants are down around her mid thighs. Which might be okay, in some instances, but this girl wasn't pulling it off. If her shirt hadn't been 26 miles long, I would have no only seen her ass /crack/ but the whole ass, and probably her va-ja-ja. It wasn't something I wanted to see.

Sunday, December 14, 2008

I am becoming deeply concerned with my growing obsession with Taylor Swift.