Saturday, January 02, 2021

Act of Caring (2021-01-02)

Act of Caring

I cleaned the toilet.

The Daily Affirmation (2021-01-02)

The Daily Affirmation

I played Legos today.

La Connexion Francaise (2021-01-02)

La Connexion Francaise

affranchir = free
parfaire = perfect
radoucir = soften
sagesse = wisdom

Dénombrement en française

Est-ce que Magnus Chase sera revenir à le monde mortel?  Restez à l'écoute pour demain.

Friday, January 01, 2021

The Daily Affirmation (2021-01-01)

The Daily Affirmation 

I accomplished all my goals today, including surpassing 15,000 steps. 

Blog Question Of The Day (2021-01-01)

Blog Question Of The Day

How much data do you need for a standard deviation?

La Connexion Francaise (2021-01-01)

La Connexion Francaise

abasourdir = stun
puce = chip
étoffer = flesh out
étaler = spread out

Dénombrement en française

Mes tableurs est prêt de 2021.

Thursday, December 31, 2020

The Daily Affirmation (2020-12-31)

The Daily Affirmation

I finally beat the level I was stuck on for 2 days.

La Connexion Francaise (2020-12-31)

La Connexion Francaise

civière = litter
ébranler = shake
châtiment = punishment
dépouiller = strip
picorer = peck
carrer = square
répandu = widespread
rugir = roar
assoiffer = thirst

Dénombrement en française

Mon écran n'est pas se comporter correctement.

Wednesday, December 30, 2020

La Connexion Francaise (2020-12-30)

La Connexion Francaise

gaspiller = waste
fécond = fruitful

Dénombrement en française

Je n'ai aucune ambition aujourd'hui.

Tuesday, December 29, 2020

La Connexion Francaise (2020-12-29)

La Connexion Francaise

ruer = kick
broyer = grind
rancune = grudge
gêner = annoy
cerf = deer

Dénombrement en française

Ce livre est finir dans un façon inattendu.

The Daily Affirmation (2020-12-29)

The Daily Affirmation

I got eight hours of sleep for the first time in a month last night.

For the third day in a row I went over 20,000 steps.

Monday, December 28, 2020

Act of Caring (2020-12-28)

Act of Caring

I took Zoe for a second dog walk this afternoon when she asked to go outside with me.

Blog Question Of The Day (2020-12-28)

Blog Question Of The Day

How do I break myself of this Pavlovian response to want to take my pills at 7:30 PM?

The Daily Affirmation (2020-12-28)

The Daily Affirmation 

I got 20,000 steps for the second day in a row.

I won third place in fantasy football.

I got a "like" on a tweet reply from a minor celebrity.

La Connexion Francaise (2020-12-28)

La Connexion Francaise

cuivre = copper
rompre = break up
ensoleiller = sunny
pré = prairie/meadow
daim = suede

Dénombrement en française

Ce n'est pas ensoleille ce matin.

Sunday, December 27, 2020

The Daily Affirmation (2020-12-27)

The Daily Affirmation 

All the jersey choices I made today came out on the winning side.

Act of Caring (2020-12-27)

Act of Caring

I did a major clean-up of the cat litter area in the basement this afternoon.

La Connexion Francaise (2020-12-27)

La Connexion Francaise

amitié = friendship
épuiser = exhaust
grève = strike
saisir = grab
étoffer = flesh out
sanglier = boar
voile = sail
coque = shell
bastingage = rail
écrouler = crumble
gosse = kid
éclabousser = splash
ôter = remove
empoigner = grab
lutter = wrestle 

Dénombrement en française

Je ne suis pas terminer assez de tâches.

Blog Question Of The Day (2020-12-27)

Blog Question Of The Day

Do they vacuum all the snow out of an NFL stadium for game day, if they have enough time between snow storms?

Act of Caring (2020-12-26)

Act of Caring

I did a wholesale upgrade of my "Sleep" tab and made it complaint for all entries to be before midnight on the night session in question.