Wednesday, November 04, 2009

I need someone's help. Because I clearly do not understand what goes through some people's brains sometimes.

I'm driving home tonight. I get behind this mini-van that is in the second lane from the right edge. We're coming up to a set of traffic lights. I would estimate we were maybe 100 feet from the lights. Suddenly, and without warning there is a hard brake, and a brutal left lane change. Across two lanes of traffic, and into the left most lane.

How in the HELL do you get so mixed up that you don't realize where you're going until you're 100 feet from the bloody intersection where you want to turn? Christ, that was like being in the right turn lane and slapping your forehead and saying alone 'but I want a LEFT turn!'

God help us if road conditions were typical for November. That would have been a skid, and a slide and into the intersection on two wheel pointed in the wrong direction.

One of these days I'm mounting anti-tank weapons on my hood, I swear to Christ.