Friday, July 18, 2003

The 10:00 song lyric:

I'm a razor blade slitting through a wrist of hate.

Kid Rock - Fist of Rage
If the TV is sold out, the sale(?) over, and you're not ordering anymore from the factory, why the HELL is it still listed on the website!?!
I have a problem. My house is experiencing an extreme fly infestation. I suppose the air conditioner, and its less than air tight seal is responsible for the increase in flies within my domicile. But this many? I'm killing 5-10 every time I come home. Its a little ridiculous. They are upstairs, downstairs, in every room I go into. If it was just the air conditioner I would think they'd stay in the living room/kitchen area. Perhaps I have a bad hygiene problem that is attracting flies. But how are outside flies being attracted to an indoors hygiene problem? This is a situation that perplexes me.

In the same vein, is there such a thing as fly repellent? I know you can get mosquito repellent, and insect repellent, but do either of these products repel common household flies?


Thursday, July 17, 2003

The results are in. No TV for Sean and I. They are soldout throughout the Future Shop chain, and through Panasonic. There will be no big screen Panasonic TV for me it would appear.

The sadness may begin.

I would say 'Toodles' at this point, ordinarily, but I'm too depressed to bother.
We are currently in a holding pattern on the acquisition of 47" Panasonic widescreen TV's. Sean and I entered into an unholy alliance, the final signatory of which occurring last night, wherein we would each acquire a Panasonic PT47WX42 television from Future Shop. Sean did the leg work on it in Regina last night, reported his findings to me, and after a two hour discussion, we were both in a position where we felt we were ready to step to the plate. So I took the first step this morning and attempted to see what I could do about getting one through Saskatoon Future Shop, easing my delivery woes slightly. This put us into a holding pattern as the Saskatoon salesman contacted Sean's Regina salesperson, and the whole thing consolidated at the Regina guy's desk. Right now we are waiting on a reply from him, on word from British Columbia. I'm hoping for good news.

I've determined that I shouldn't wear white T-shirts. They make me look heavy. Colored shirts hide my bulk better.

Its not a nice day outside in Watson. Its warmish, with a stiff wind blowing. I t hink I'll stay inside. (Not that I wasn't going to do that anyway.)

My patience is wearing a little thin today for some reason. I feel unusually tense. I need stress relief. I am SO looking forward to the weekend.


Wednesday, July 16, 2003

Hello everyone! I'm blogging from my PDA today. It's the very first time I've been on the internet with it.


Tuesday, July 15, 2003

I saw something today that I thought I would never see. At the Co-op gas bar, here in Watson, along the highway, there was a horse tied up at the cardlock pump. That's just something you don't see.
