Saturday, April 11, 2009

Blog Quote Of The Night:

(while staring at someone holding a 1" water line in their hand)

Why is there no water?

Tuesday, April 07, 2009

Dear Oilers Ownership:

Please fire Kevin Lowe.

Thank you.
Were you ever just sitting around, kinda bored, and you got an idea into your head? Nothing bizarre or strange, just something that seemed like a good idea? But it got stuck there and you couldn't get it out until you satisfied the notion?

That happened to me today. I was sitting in French class and I got hungry. Which led me to think, I'd like one of those wrap sandwiches like I've had before. This necessitated a trip to Subway.

Did you ever go to Subway, later in the night, privately expecting it to be a quick and painless experience? Then you see a line and you're secretly disappointed and a little bit annoyed? That also happened to me today.

But, as I opened this post, I had a craving in me for a wrap from Subway so just walking away wasn't an option. Nevertheless it was one of the most painful Subway experiences of my life.

Is this what we've degenerated to? Is this all we have left for staff to work at Subway? I don't fault the poor woman who was trying to make all these subs. She's an immigrant. She's just trying to do the best she can. But who is the BLOODY asshole that stranded this woman alone in the Subway? She clearly couldn't handle working by herself. This was painfully obvious. It took me 5 minutes to get my sandwich AFTER I got to the front of the line. I probably stood in line for 20 minutes before I made it to the counter.

And it wasn't that busy. There was 4 people in front of me. That's assuming you count the smug, fur trading little bitches that were at the front of the line as one group. I have a lot of choice words for those two rug munching little whores. Let's leave it at, they deserved to have their designer haute cuisine Subway SANDWICHES jammed straight up the v-notch and left to cause a nasty yeast infection.

Back to the line. Its like watching a train wreck. You don't wanna look but you can't help yourself. Everything is moving so slowly that all you can do is watch the carnage. And that's what it was. This poor, immigrant woman is trying her very best to make a half dozen sandwiches. Either she's new to this, hasn't been well trained, or this just isn't her calling in life. Nevertheless she was slow on a glacial scale. And everyone is getting pissed. But you can't do anything to help her because she's the only Subway employee and we're just hungry sandwich eaters. It just so, bloody SAD.

So here's to you manager of Subway. I hope you choke on your blood sausage tonight. Your staffing decision is inexcusable.

Sunday, April 05, 2009