Thursday, November 06, 2003

I need something explained to me.

What's the deal with coffee? Why is it that you can buy a cup of it in the corner shop for 50 cents, or whatever they charge for it, and then they'll continue to refill it ad infinitum, even if you sit there for 3 hours?

This kinda pisses me off. I'm in podunk Manitoba and the only places to acquire sustenance are there small cafes/coffee shops. The coffee is all but free, and plentiful, meanwhile I'm geting absolutely bent over for a glass of soda. For cost of product, the soda versus the coffee is probably next to equal. Meanwhile they want $1.50 for a 10 oz cup of Pepsi, with no refills, but my compatriot can get three coffee refills for 50 cents.



Wednesday, November 05, 2003

I am a complete bone-brain!

I've been fretting about this package (KMnO4 meter) that was being shipped from Alberta, all night. I got a tracking number for the package yesterday, and emailed it to myself at home, so I could track the package last night. The trouble was, I wrote the number down wrong, forgetting one digit . (There were two 4's side by side, and I only wrote one into the email I sent myself) Thus, I have been worried and wondering about this all night, and getting no response from the Purolator, track your package, utility on their website.

All for one number. It pays to be meticulous about these type of things and I was not. And I paid a price in lost sleep for it. On the positive side though, the package is 'Out For Delivery' so it should be in Watson by mid-morning. That makes me happy.

Have a good day people! Mine is looking better now.


Tuesday, November 04, 2003

I had an interesting dream last night. Its morning though, and much of the coherence is gone now. I'm just going to type for awhile, and see if it brings some memories to light for me.

The main thrust of the dream was centered around this softball game. I wasn't in this dream. It was more like a movie, or a TV show. Maybe it was a softball tournament, because the action kept going back to the field, but shifted away from it on several occasions.

As for characters, I can only remember two people from it with any clarity. One was Zack, from Saved By The Bell fame. Another was an exotic, latin beauty. She looked familiar to me but I don't have a name. There were other, assorted young people in the late teens, early 20's age range, but no one stands out with any definition.

The field where the softball was played was, next to Griffiths Stadium, on the U of S campus. But the football stadium wasn't there. It was just wooded meadows, and grassy fields. The university factored into the dream, which is how I can place the field. And the overhead pedestrian walkway.

To the actual dream now. It started with all the players on the team I was following, scrambling from different places to make it to the game. There was some nebulous, poorly defined sense of doom surrounding the game. The team HAD to win, or something bad would happen. I think they would all die, but I don't know why.

They played the first game. I won't bore you with any details because a) you know what softball is like, and b) I don't remember them with any definition. There were lots of home runs, obviously, and the team won. The field looked really nice, with lush green grass, and vibrant, clay on the basepaths. It was quite colorful.

It was after the first game that things got a a little wierd. Zack took off somewhere and we didn't see much of him anymore. Things centered on the Latin girl. She ended up in this house with some other Latin-looking people, who I presume to be her family. This is the part that was strange. A bunch of masked guys showed up and the house erupted in a massive gunfight. The masked guys took over, and were executing the prisoners, shooting them each in the head. The heroine of the dream escaped the house, but she took a gunshot to the stomach and was bleeding badly. Also escaping was a young boy, who darted around a corner when they shot his father in the head.

There was a chase sequence after that, as the masked guys tried to capture the heroine, and the young boy. Mostly they wanted the boy because it became a royalty type of thing, since as the last surviving son, he would be king. The girl was bleeding badly, and sought refuge with some of the team members that tried to patch her up the best they could. She was going to be needed for the next game. The young boy was chased through the university, staying mostly in buildings, and having shoot ups in large theatres and sumptious looking rooms.

Both of our characters, the would be king and the wounded girl, made it to the final game. This was the ultimate event of the dream. If the team won this game, the girl would survive, and the boy would become king. It was a low scoring game. Lots of defense. Diving catches in the outfield, body sacrificing plays in the infield. Lots of collisions on the basepaths and ferocious play all around. It came down to the last out, and the girl was at bat. Her shirt was stayed deeply with blood, and her eyes were filled with pain. She got a hit, and someone scored from third. They won and the dream ended.

I've missed a LOT of details along the way but this is as much as I can recall. I sure have some detailed dreams!


Monday, November 03, 2003

I'm struggling with a question. Its one that I've puzzled over before, but not come to a satisfactory answer.

Why are the movies I'd want to watch, on at lunch time? I don't understand this at all. At lunch time, the programmers can't be expecting their highest audience numbers. They have to expect that most people are going to watch movies in the evening. So why are all the crappy shows being played in primetime? I turn on the TV and there's some obscure piece of crap Canadian show, or god forbid, what is obviously a 'made for TV' movie from one of the network channels. Why can't they play The Bourne Identity at 7:00 so I can spend half my evening on that, instead of randomly channel surfing, picking up interesting half hour shows along the way?

I really need to get into the entertainment industry and fix all these problems I see. I don't like complaining, I prefer fixing problems, but I don't think I command enough authority with this one. I need to move on this.
