Friday, March 28, 2003

Murphy's Law is incredibly reliable. Of all the natural laws that exist, I think Murphy's Law is the most solid. Even better than gravity. Eventually they found cracks in the Law of Gravity too but Murphy never lets you down.

Nearly every weekend I come to Saskatoon and have no plans for Friday night, the guys want to go online and play video games. Invariably I'll have other plans for other parts of the weekend, so I won't bring my game CD's. They'll ask if I want to play, and I'll have to say no because I don't have my stuff. This weekend I took the initiative and brought my games and headset. What happens? None of them are available to game. Murphy's Law strikes again!!

On another note, I love my GPS. I drove in from Watson tonight and watched my track on the little screen, noted my speed, and distance travelled. For me its not a tool but a toy. But its fun, and why shouldn't I enjoy the fruits of my labor?


Thursday, March 27, 2003

First of all I want to say I am VERY IMPRESSED with the service I got from GPS City Canada. I ordered my GPS unit from them yesterday afternoon and by this morning at 11:00 I had it in my grimy little hands. I consider that very good service. The price was right, they sold me all the little doo-dad's that I need to make it go and here it is Thursday evening and I'm just about ready to put the little thing to use. Maybe buying one was a good idea, maybe it wasn't. End of story, it doesn't really matter. The money's spent and I've got the calculator looking thing on my desk. I'm happy. (And it really didn't cost that much either)

I hate the photocopier. It hates me. We have a mutually symbiotic hate/hate relationship. There isn't an ounce of goodwill between me and that infernal beast. Somehow I got another set of shop drawings out of the creature this afternoon but it took me nearly all afternoon to do it. I lost count of how many times I had to stop to clear a paper jam out of the thing. The less photocopying I have to do, the better. One thing about working for a small company, there's no one down the food chain to delegate menial tasks.

Back to the GPS thing for a minute. Another benefit of this nifty, new purchase is, I took the bull by the horns to do something that has frustrated me for some time. I carved up my ashtray at lunch today, and removed the cigarette lighter plug from its molded plastic. In so doing, and by removing the tray part, I was able to get the plug, and an adapter, into the fold up tray, and well, fold it up, and out of sight. That makes me very happy. Having to have that stupid thing half open because I had an adapter in it, has bothered me for some time. And for $20 I bought this converter box and now I can plug four things into my truck instead of one. That is a major bonus!


Wednesday, March 26, 2003

I was sitting here watching the end of the Edmonton-Phoenix hockey game when I realized a very gratifying thing. They played this commercial, from the Safeway Club, and the person won a trip to Cancun, Mexico. I sat here thinking, you know, I've been there! That was a neat feeling. I saw some pictures from a model's trip to Cancun and it was neat to recognize the place she had visited. It was the Mayan ruins at Chichen Itza. I saw in the background the remnants of buildings that I'd seen myself.

I was exceptionally pleased with the realization that I got from this. I've travelled. I've seen part of the world now. Okay, I'm not some massive traveller but at least I've been a few places. I couldn't have said that a couple years ago. Since then I've been to Edmonton and Calgary a few times, east to Winnipeg and as far as Dryden, Ontario. I made it to Vancouver and saw a bunch of things there. And there was the two big trips, to Cancun, Mexico, and Punta Cana, Dominican Republic. I'm not a great tourist. I don't have good tourist instincts but there's been new, different, interesting things that I've seen just by going other places. I also went to Tampa Bay, Florida this year. I think I can take some comfort in having seen some of the world now.

If there was any one place that I'd have like to have visited, and didn't, or haven't, it would be New Jersey. Whatever has gone right or wrong with Tara, I would have liked to have visited her town, and seen the sights of her state, with her. For all the traveling I have done, that is my one regret.

I had a peculiar dream last night. Not peculiar in the sense of, I had a rutabaga for a head or anything but, the content of the dream is something that a guy would never, ever want to dream about.

I dreamed that I got kicked in the nuts.

Why on earth would I dream that? Furthermore, if I did dream it, why wasn't the trauma that should go along with such a remembrance enough to wake me up? Maybe I did wake up but I stayed close enough to sleep that I didn't think I woke up. Anyway, that's what I dreamed last night. Which is troubling because who wants to dream about that? I'd rather dream about the Swedish Bikini team stopping over at my house for a barbeque. Unfortunately I never dream about stuff like that. My dreams are more typically jarring, psychotic images forced together into a narrative that quite obviously has to exist outside of the bounds of normal reality. I dream stupid stuff, like that flying dream I had, that I still remember. I couldn't put together the details for you anymore but that dream was peculiar.

Perhaps I need to change my daily pattern to stimulate more exciting dreams. Unfortunately my life is boring and I know not what to incorporate to achieve better memories. Suggestions are always appreciated.
