Saturday, April 10, 2004

Blog Question Of The Day:

How deep is the average human mouth? How much can be stuffed into the mouth before it inevitably has to go down the throat?
The corn has returned . . .
Go see 'The Girl Next Door'. Its worth the expense.

Elisha Cuthbert is STUNNING!!!

Friday, April 09, 2004

Is it just me, or do the new Mr. Sub commercials suck supremely hard?

Thursday, April 08, 2004

Blog Tip Of The Day:

You can look up the weekly Safeway flyer, from your neighbourhood Safeway, at:

Can someone please explain to me the appeal of Paris Hilton?
I was thinking about my friend Amanda the other day. I'm not exactly sure what brought her to my mind. Its funny how things can come to you, when there's really no reason for them to do so. My mind drifted across memories of her, and settled in on the regular reports she emailed to her friends and family during the trip to India she took last year. (now that I've given it some thought, I believe the remembrance came from the fact that I ran into her at the Brier) There was something that I recalled vividly, from her descriptions of the society that she encountered on her trip. There was much poverty and homelessness, and she took the opportunity to implore her readers to consider sponsoring a child through one of the organizations that have this as their goal.

I thought about this, and remembered my own childhood. We would spend Sunday's at my grandma's, recieving only two channels of television. When there was nothing outside to do, I would find myself in grandma's living room, watching the deplorable offering of entertainment on CBC and/or CTV. (Mutual of Omaha's Wild Kingdom anyone?) I remember those commercials where they showed the poverty stricken children, and then said that for pennies a day you chould change their lives. I always wanted to do that, but I was little more than 10 years old and didn't have the kind of money they were asking for. (which was only about $15 or so)

Now I'm 30 years old, or will be a in a few days. I do very well for myself. Certainly well enough that a contribution of this type would not stretch my resources greatly. After this long, drawn out background, I get to the question that I feel deserved more wording than would typically be in a Blog Question Of The Day.

Should I commit myself to sponsor a child?
Blog Question Of The Day:

Should I attend the APEGS Annual General Meeting, in Moose Jaw, Sask. the weekend of April 30/May 1?

Wednesday, April 07, 2004

All you hockey experts out there, I have a scenario for you.

What happens if all your goalies die? Let's say they go to a sushi restaurant. All of them, together, as a playoff camaraderie thing. They all order the blowfish. It is prepared wrong and they all die, a la the classic Simpsons episode. Can you add new goalies to your roster, or does a defenseman have to strap on the pads?
And so it begins . . .

NHL playoff hockey, on CBC.

If you need me for anything, for the next three months, I'll be watching TV.

Blog Question Of The Day:

Should I do laundry tonight?

Tuesday, April 06, 2004

'There is no word for what I have become'

I heard that once. I think its from a movie. I've been puzzling over it for quite some time, but the source of the quote eludes me. Nevertheless as I contemplate my life, that quote seems relevant to my situation.

I sat through a 4 hour meeting today. The topic of conversation was, the place we shall not name. I would have expected this meeting, and the underlying tension in the room to have driven me to spasmodic fits. I had fully prepared myself for a debilitating anxiety attack. To my great surprise it did not come.

When did I become the calm, level-headed one? I can't identify with myself, in this role. I have no experience with it. I have never been the relaxed, head about him, guy. I was always the one that freaked out, lost his temper, threw stuff and raved like a lunatic. Now I'm watching my boss melt into seething anger and need to take a moment. How did it come to pass that I'm the one talking to him outside the building, making sure he's okay?

I don't know how to do this? I can do it. Amazingly, to me at least, I am calm and relaxed. How did that happen? I know part of it is the pills but is that all of it? Has anyone else seen the instability drain out of me? I'm almost reliable. I still have minor lapses in behaviour but for the most part, I'm dependable. How can I be dependable? My whole personal identity is centered around being a screw-up. I had this thought while doing all this driving the past couple days. I drive and I think about all that has happened, and all that has changed. I pondered the experiences that have shaped my current reality.

My question remains, how did I become this person?

I give the credit to my friends and family. Through all the mistakes, screw-ups, failures, let down, and general inappropriate behaviour, there has been a contigent of people that have stuck by me. As life handed me lemons, knowing I had backup gave me the clarity to make lemonade. For years I felt alone, and adrift on an island. I don't feel that way anymore. There are so many people that line up behind me, and around me, giving me strength and hope. You know who you are, or at least I hope you do. I thank you all, from the bottom of my heart. You have given me back the faith that I'd lost. I could write for 100 years, and still not say it all.

I haven't the space to mention everyone by name, and say what you're done for me. The support has been incredible, and I thank you to depths I haven't words to express. But in one particular respect I do want single out some individuals.

Tara, you are the one. You know how I feel, as I've told you a million times before. I wish things were different and we could have what we want. That appears not to be, and someday I might even be alright with that. For now, and until then, I love you. That will have to suffice.

Melissa, and Christiane, you also gave me something I've never had. You are friends, through and true. I love you dearly, and hope we never grow apart, although the possibility certainly exists. I value you beyond any system of measure. When I needed faith, you gave it. When my mind went dark, you breathed light into the gloom. You are a pleasure, and delight. Please don't ever change, or let your light fade.

My life has changed. The person I am now, probably wouldn't even recognize the person I was. Growth and change has swallowed me whole, allowing me to be reborn, like the phoenix. Again, I thank you all. For it is only by you, that I became this which I am.

Love for all! Good night!

Monday, April 05, 2004

Just for the record, HDTV is awesome!!!

I finally got to play with my HDTV satellite system today. And now I'm leaving town again. I really should schedule myself better than this. But I got to see how good it could be and OH MAN is that sweet! You watch this image and you can see the 3D aspect. Its not flat, but dynamic. They had a girl walking in from of a sunflower field, and you could actually see that she was moving across the field. You could see the depth. I was in AWE!!!

So, consider this an open invitation. Anyone that wants to come check out my HDTV, you are welcome in my home. It is so cool I can't even find the right words to talk about it. I love it!


Sunday, April 04, 2004

Blog Question Of The Day:

With what character from Seasame Street do you must closely identify?