Friday, August 13, 2004

Notes from a busy Friday:

I don't have a turbidity problem in Maple Creek ---> YAY!!!!!

Something about me must smell attractive to deer. I saw another two today, as I tried to pass a very slow moving, old Honda.

I shouldn't spend that much time driving, with nothing else to do but think. I believe I shall go back to watching movies.

Tonight's Madden 2004 should be kick ass.

Missy, I was busy dealing with that pesky thing called work. Sorry.

I'm getting annoyed with a collection of people that should be busting their ass to get us ahead of schedule, and not wasting our time worrying about a) Who is getting ahead while they work, b)
what corners they can cut so they can get home sooner, c) the state of 'clean' provided by the custodial staff or d) whatever pointless or inane thing is occupying their mind, that has no significance in the global picture.

I forgot to phone Manitoba Water.

Today's Pain Report is only the usual stomach churning. Am I improving?

Backing up multiple GB's of files is very boring.

This whole, new building, plan is beginning to give me a headache.

Why did I suddenly become everyone's confidante?

I think I will enjoy the weekend. I hope all of you do too. Good night!!!

Thursday, August 12, 2004

Pain Report

Right ear
Blog Survey of the Week:

Not everyone will be able to weigh in on this one. To answer this one you will have to have worked on my computer at some point, with my desktop resolution.

Is my desktop resolution too small?
This is an All Points Bulletin for Grant's Watch. If you see Grant's watch, or know the whereabouts of Grant's watch, please contact the relevant authorities. It is important that we get in touch with Grant's watch. Only Grant's watch is capable of dealing with the situation that has developed.

Thank you for your time.

Wednesday, August 11, 2004

I'm watching television this evening. They played a new Dr. Pepper commercial, or at least, one I don't recall seeing before. I have to make an observational comment.

I think its time to retire Reba McEntire. The commercial opens with Leann Rimes driving down the road in a very nice car. I think it was a BMW of some type. Now Leann Rimes is hot. She's twenty-ish, blonde, young fresh looking and sexy. Exactly what will help sell any kind of product.

Then she meets Reba McEntire at a desert gas station. BAD IDEA!!! She looks horrible. The skin on her face is all tight and drawn, giving her a drawn, wax paper like appearance. And the flaming red hair is so obviously fake that its painful. Yeah, age does not diminish the voice, but it has destroyed the image. The time has come for Reba to fade into radio-only moments.

Ways to tell you're not in the city:

1. The burger joint takes only cash or cheques (cheques? WTF!?!?!)
2. They let you take the lunch anyway
3. It doesn't matter that it takes 5 hours to remember to go back
Pain Report:

Stomach (forgot my pill)
Left ear
Its time to blast someone again.

Why is it that SaskTel has to treat their rural customers so poorly? This pisses me off. I'm in the middle of a great wasteland. The internet is my lifeline to the rest of the world. I don't so much like it as I NEED it. Disconnected I feel barren and alone.

So our SaskTel connection goes down this afternoon, AGAIN. I've already told you how that makes me feel, and we won't dwell on that anymore. So fine, it goes down. If its going to crash and burn this often, why don't they provide a reset button on their cable modem? I don't understand this. When you have to 'maintain' your connection this often, it only makes sense to me you provide the ability to cycle the power on your connect. Especially considering how often it goes in the tank and needs to be reset.

My official, thumbs down, goes to SaskTel today. Feel free to spit on all their employees.

Tuesday, August 10, 2004

Blog Question Of The Night:

Which is of the following is better?

1) Sex
2) Taking a piss after holding it for two hours?

Respond as always.
My house smells like grilled cheese sandwiches.
We are going to introduce a new feature here at TELK - Grant's Rants. This feature is:

The Pain Report

My new approach to life is intended to be a healthier one. I'm not going to go into the long list of particulars but I have a variety of things that I would really like to have go away. One of which is pain.

Its not soul destroying pain, but it is irritating and I wish it would go away. Its rarely the same thing, day to day, but one thing or another is bugging me. I know from experience that a lot of these things are psycho-somatic. Not necessarily accurate physical pain, but pain manifesting itself as a physical sympton of my emotional/mental state. I've been here before and most of my troubles can be traced to mental conditions.

However, I have a goal. And that is, to have a completely pain free day before the end of September. That's 6 weeks away. I think it is achievable. However, in pursuit of this goal I am going to document (mostly for my own purposes) what malady I am trouble by, on each day.

Bear with me, even though this information may be a little depressing. It is for a greater purpose, and if anyone has suggestions, for whatever the daily irritant is, I will gladly welcome them.

Its time for a rant.

I went to the medical clinic today, at 1:00. There is one doctor on staff that I like. He treated my broken foot and I was very impressed with his care. So, I thought I'd try to get an appointment to see him specifically. I didn't know the doctor roster, so I had to physically go in to the clinic to find this information out.

It was after 1:00. I know this because I went out to start my truck and it wouldn't start, AGAIN (we aren't going to talk about that in this blog) so I was late leaving my yard. So I know it was after 1:00. I went into the clinic and it was deserted. Fine, its just after lunch, the place is empty momentarily, as people come back from lunch breaks.

I stood there for 15 minutes. No one that could help me book an appointment, made an appearance. I did find one person, but she was unable to help me, and assured me someone would be out shortly. More time rolls by. Finally I got pissed off and left. I'll phone later, since I know the schedule now.

That pisses me off. Has the whole world completely stopped giving a damn? I hate this crap. It is not so much to ask that people be conscientious at work. You have an appointment desk so for crying out loud, staff the damn thing!! The phone rang at least a half dozen times while I waited in person. You can't even forward the stupid phone to a place were you can answer it? The world does NOT stop from 12:00 until whenever you deem it reasonable to go back to your desk. We have agenda's and lives, and appointments and we'd thank it if you could do your stupid-ass job, and be there when it can be reasonably expected that you SHOULD be there.

Christ, I'm pissed off!! If you need me, I'll be dousing my enraged head in this bucket of water.
I have a question.

We've discussed this particular topic before, here in Blogland. Nonetheless it has come up again so a few opinions would be appreciated. Reply as always.

I have these dating site memberships. I signed up for them a long time ago, when I was kind of sad, and moping about the state of my romantic life. I have vacillated back and forth between pursuing them, and ignoring them. Right now I'm in kind of a weird place between wanting something, and not having the time to pursue it. I also don't know, with much definition if there are candidates in my life that I'm just not seeing. (if you're out there, reading this and want to volunteer for candidate status, please let me know) Anyway, back to the story.

Some girl on one of these sites 'apparently' sent me two messages yesterday afternoon. On this particular site you can not read the message unless you pay for a membership. From what scant information I can access for free, I am intrigued. This is probably due to an appalling lack of romantic interest in my personage lately. I'll spare the drama but the bottom line is, I'm not sure where I stand with anyone, but I am tiring of sitting alone to watch TV. Thus I'm intrigued and wonder if I should see what this particular girl is thinking.

So, to the question. Do I spend the money and see what is up with this new person?

Answer as always. Toodles

Monday, August 09, 2004

It has been a rather interesting day. Very hectic, and lots of things happening. It seems like my life is destined to be very full. Which is good, because it keeps me out of trouble. But its also bad because I find myself feeling a little overwhelmed from time to time.

My boss is getting back into the groove of things again. That's good news, but again it will mean re-adjusting my approach. It is only now that he's reining me in, calling a halt to my ceaseless pursuit of a new direction for Central Water. He knows where I want to go, and he wants to go there too, but he's acting like the boss again, and setting different priorities. I like that, and feel better to know that he's examining the situation critically. However there is some melancholy in having my designs thwarted.

After all that though, I got a great surprise tonight. My parents came to visit me!! I was late at the office. Murray and I were engaged in another of our marathon discussions of the future of Central Water, myself, himself, and all things great and philosophical. They are stimulating conversations because we're both passionate about the future of the company, and see a lot of potential for everyone as we move forward. He has stuff he wants, and I have stuff I want, and we're going to be advancing all things as we begin a new fiscal year in September.

I will have more news about the future direction for myself later in the week. Murray is going to speak to the accountant and see where things sit. I may finally get the security I have always lusted for. Stay tuned for more news on that.

But for now, my great surprise. I was just wrapping up to leave for home when my Mom came through the front door of Central Water. I was shocked, but really happy. They'd been in Nipawin for my dad's latest golfing adventure. When the morning dawned, he realized it was too cold and rainy for him to enjoy the experience, so he simply aborted. They went back to Weekes to visit and then, instead of trekking home, they came to see me.

I thought it was great! I've been away for awhile and it was nice to see them. I love my family. I am glad we are close, and see each other often. Its straining when long stretches of time passes without contact. I've never quite understood other people's desire to flee their family. I suppose its looking for independence and their own voice, but I've never felt that way myself. Life with them was better than life without them. I was very glad to see them tonight.

And that was it. I entertained my parents visit, although I didn't do much. I showed my Dad my high definition TV, and he was impressed with the clarity. My Mom did what she likes, which is making supper and looking after things. Now the evening will wrap with everyone getting some sleep. I am thrilled they came to see me and wish it could have been longer. But I will see them again on the weekend when I go home, so it will not be a long wait.

Thanks for listening everyone. I know this was less flashy than some of my entries, but the occasional homily for my own benefit will be required from time to time. Have a great night and I hope to see all of you real soon.

I am home again. The blogging can re-commence.

Hang in there Sean. It'll look better with time, and some perspective.

And as for the rest of it . . . well . . . maybe some time with a regular schedule will help me sort out the maelstrom in my head. I can't see it getting any more chaotic.

More tomorrow, when I've had a chance to tack a few hours onto my over-taxed system. Toodles all!!